Modern "journalism" has completely bled all meaning out of the word "shocking". — Maggie McNeill (@Maggie_McNeill) September 4, 2024 The precedent for this was set by local politicians in the US who think they can reschedule Halloween to a more "convenient" wee...
The exhibition will run from January 24 to March 24, 2025, at the newly-opened Gallery of the University’s Gray Design Building—designed by The World Around past speaker Jeanne GangGLOBAL SUMMITS AND EVENTSMOMA, NYC ANNUAL SUMMIT, APRIL, 2025 The World Around is proud to announce that its...
Sharp, J. A. (1998). Redrawing the margins of Russian vanguard art: Natalia Goncharova’s Trial for Pornogrpahy in 1910. In Costlow, J., Sandler, S. & Vowles, J. (Eds.),Sexuality and the body in Russian culture (pp. 97–102). Stanford: Stanford University Press. Smirnov-Kutachesk...
National Gallery of Art The art gallery is an impressive space: two buildings, linked underground, and a sculpture garden next door. Inside the light-filed East Building there’s modern art, including a roomful of Jackson Pollock’s murals (壁), Andy Warhol’s Green Marilyn and Roy Lichtenste...
Flora is a slave with a fair skin and a strong will. Her owner, Boss, keeps her prisoner at his house as a sexual interest. She’s intelligent, he teaches her how to read and she soon reads everything she can and betters herself. When Boss dies and his estate crumbles, she becomes...
Planned Genocide of the White Race and the White Nations by Satan and... Jewish Role in African Slave Trade Admitted b… How culpable were Dutch Jews in the slave trade? &n... White Slavery in North Africa. Peter Holland's Book Barbary Slave a love story novel set in the times of sl...
Arms dealer: Stop this impudent mockery of my goods! Trygaeus [placing the cuirass on the ground like a chamber pot and squatting on it]: Like this, if you put three stones beside it. Is it not clever? The Greeks would use όστρακα or ostraka, small pieces of broken ce...
devoting half its stand to early and the other half to late Nineteenth Century American fine and decorative arts. Carrying the firm into the Twentieth Century was the 1937 “Natokiochkome (Howling Twice),” now sold. The work hailed from the gallery’s current exhibition of portraiture by Win...
The model ship in Guangzhou even features a group of martial artists practising with a Wing Chun dummy on its stern, whereas the museum in Foshan dedicates an entire gallery to the most famous of the Red Boat performers, Li Wenmao, who briefly led a rebellion and declared himself king of...
“What do you think of this modern art?” Old guys watching me drawing outdoors This used to be very common, asked by older members of the society but has tailed off in recent years. Perhaps we no longer care about art we don’t understand. It really is such a broad subject as, lik...