Nonny de la Peña: The future of news? Virtual reality | TED Talk 我们使用 Cookie 以允许我们网站的正常工作、个性化设计内容和广告、提供社交媒体功能并分析流量。我们还同社交媒体、广告和分析合作伙伴分享有关您使用我们网站的信息。 Cookie 设置 接受所有 Cookie ...
What's the Future of Newspapers? the Big Point Is This: There Is No Single Solution That Will Replace the Revenue Juggernaut That Has Been Newspaper Advertising. in Order to Survive, Newspapers Will Need to Realize That Some Combination of Small Solutions, Not One Big Gusher, Will Be the ...
Since modern communication media has assumed growing responsibility in the reporting and dissemination of news and information, printed media has been negatively affected. This paper aims to investigate the future of the news function of printing press under the competition of electronic means in the ...
The Future of Newspapers--Posner Warren Buffett, who is a wit as well as a multibillionaire, said with reference to the fact that Bernard Madoff's long-running Ponzi scheme came to light during the financial collapse of last fall that until the tide goes out, you don't know who's swimm...
The Future of News back to the Coffee House 新闻产业的未来,重回咖啡屋时代 The internet is taking the news industry back to the conversational culture of the era before mass media 互联网正在将新闻产业带回到大众传媒出现前的时代。 Three hundred years ago news travelled by word of mouth or letter...
The future of news and traditional media has faced unprecedented challenges with the birth of the internet. Faster technologies stole print’s thunder, and as far as anyone was concerned, the printed newspaper was taking its final breaths before the long sleep along ancient tablets and scrolls. ...
让我们从TED的这篇演讲The futureof news? Virtual reality (新闻的未来?虚拟现实)来找论据。 Vocabulary & Expression virtual reality (VR)虚拟现实 scene 场面,场景 put people on scene 使人们置身现场 goggle 护目镜(文中指VR眼镜) sensation 感觉 (n.) ...
Radical shifts in journalism are changing virtually every aspect of the gathering, reporting and reception of news. The pace, extent and significance of these developments have accelerated markedly since 2009, when the previous Future of Journalism Conference convened at the Cardiff School of ...
news report - a short account of the news; "the report of his speech"; "the story was on the 11 o'clock news"; "the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious" write up, account, report, story...
在线看The Future of News? Virtual Reality | Nonny.. 9分钟 28秒。27 12月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 105 — 已浏览。 10 — 已评价。