If you are an enthusiastic academic, corporate researcher, development specialist, entrepreneur, or policymaker who shares our passion for sustainability and the future of food science and food systems, you cannot miss this event in 2025! Conference topics Submit your oral and poster abstracts on the...
Panel discussions are a core element of the New Food Conference. In this photograph from last year’s event, Denise Loga (Moderator), Daan Luining (Meatable), Shannon Falconer (Because Animals) and Märt-Erik Martens (Gelatex Technologies) discuss the alternative-protein sector. Image: ProVeg ...
Mair Carter Senior Event Manager Forum Europe eitfutureoffood@forum-europe.com Tel: +44 (0) 2920 783 072 Logistics When Tue 1 December, 2020 09.00 to Wed 2 December, 2020 13.00 CET Where Online Virtual Event Downloads The Future of Food conference Report 2019...
To transform the global food system to meet the needs of the future… an abundant future that nourishes and delights people and planet. What is MISTA? MISTA is a multi-dimensional innovation platform uniquely structured to unleash the potential of our Members in our hyperconnected, adaptive ecosyst...
These antenna speakers are exploring topics around the future of food: 1.Totomoxtle by Fernando Laposse Mexican product designer Fernando Laposse, presented his project Totomoxtle at the 2017 antenna conference. His project was born out of a desire to do something to help the farmers to continue...
The EFSA 2nd Scientific Conference 'Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together' gathered an international audience composed of scientists, risk assessors, risk managers, as well as non-governmental organisations and industry representatives. This article summarises the final plenary session where a ...
Food and Climate Change Expert, Amanda Griscom Little dives in, discussing why now, what's next, and more on The Future of Food as part of our series: The Future of X.
Dossier: The Future of Food Download the Future of Food Dossier and discover more about the food ecosystem in Switzerland. Download . #SwissTech4Good #SwissTech4Good Use resources responsibly to meet current needs without jeopardizing those of future generations: this is how start-ups, scale-ups...
How we grow and make our food is already undergoing great change. It will - and must - evolve even more over the next decades in order to preserve our health and our planet.Article The Future of Food What (and how) do experts think we’ll be eating 30, 40, 50 years from now? Con...