Progress in computer technology over the past four decades has been spectacular, driven by Moore's Law which, though initially an observation, has become a self-fulfilling prophecy and a boardroom planning tool.Computer weekly
The first is breaking the Moore’s Law from 28nm-16nm-10nm-7nm-5nm and further down to still smaller line widths. The second is lifting upward from 2D (plane) structure to stack chips into 2.5D or 3D hierarchy. More efficient power conversion and applications. ...
The point is that, when it comes to the future of computing, we’re not going to claim to know exactly what’s around the corner. Yes, right now quantum computing looks like the big long term computing hope post-Moore’s Law, but chances are that in a few decades computers will look...
The result: Moore's Law has long passed being mere prognostication. It's the marching order for a vast, well-funded industry with a record of overcoming naysayers' doubts. Researchers keep finding ways to maintain a tradition that two generations ago would have been science fiction: That comput...
Moore’s Law has always been about innovation and we can confidently say innovation continues unabated.
1. Custom Controls the Future Until relatively recently, computing performance was achieved by increasing transistor density à la Moore’s Law. In the future, it will be achieved through innovative design, and many of those innovative design ideas will come to market first—and mostly— through ...
In the dynamic technology landscape, computing system architectures are undergoing a profound transformation. As we approach an era of unprecedented computational demands coupled with the slowing progress of Moore’s Law, computer architects and design engineers are now more fundamentally reimagining how ...
Computer English Chapter 1 The History and Future of Computers Key points: useful terms and definitions of computers Difficult points: describing the features of computers of each generation Requirements: 1. The trends of computer hardware and software 2. Basic characteristics of modern computers 3. ...
The economic impact of Moore’s Law: evidence from when it faltered. SSRN Electron. J. (2017). National Research Council. The Future of Computing Performance (National Academies Press, Washington DC, 2011). Google Scholar Ho, M. S., Jorgenson, D. ...
Moore foresaw this day. Now, we believe chiplets are the key to extending Moore’s Law through the next decade and beyond. Our consortium colleagues agree. And we’ll get to the next set of computing breakthroughs faster if we begin by settling on a well-defined specification. With I...