388-The Future of Capitalism-Paul Collier-Economics-2018Barack2021/12/14《The Future of Capitalism》,首版于2018年。新的深刻裂痕正在撕裂美国和其他西方社会的结构:繁荣的城市与乡村、高技能精英与受教育程度较低、富裕与发展中国家。随着这些分歧的加深,我们已经失去了对他人的道德义务感,而这对于战后社会民主...
The Future of Chinese Capitalism 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 出版社的编辑给了本新书..The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World..作者是个典型老外记者..瞎揣摩的。他的主题是个大型推土机..但作者是个推土机前捡鹅卵石的瞎子。中式资本主义的...
The Future of Capitalism的创作者 ··· 保罗·科利尔 作者 作者简介 ··· 保罗·科利尔(Paul Collier),英国著名经济学家,牛津大学经济学和公共政策教授,前世界银行发展研究部门主任,英国政府顾问,曾获莱昂内尔·吉尔伯奖、克林纳国际书卷奖、亚瑟·罗斯图书奖、埃斯托利尔全球事务杰出著作奖等。著有《最底层...
The Future of CapitalismThe Future of CapitalismCapitalismEconomyEqual opportunitiesKnowledge workersLester C. Thurow. The Future of Capitalism. New York: William Morrow, 1996. According to MIT...doi:10.1080/05775132.1982.11470801HeilbronerRobert L.M...
Is “neo-feudalism” in fact what Lenin might call simply the “latest stage of capitalism,” or do we already find ourselves in a nascent post-capitalist situation? Proponents of the concept of “neo-feudalism” do not mean to suggest that western societies are literally devolving into a ...
The Future of Chinese Capitalism 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Much has been said about the re-emergence of China to its historical position of eminence in the world economy, yet little is understood about the kind of economic system China is evolving. What are the rules of the game ...
(1996). The future of capitalism: How today’s economic forces shape tomorrow’s world . New York: William Morrow.Thurow,Lester C.the future of Capitalism: How Today‘s Economics Forces Shape Tomorrow‘s World. . 1996Thurow, Lester (1996): The Future of Capitalism: how today's econo...
向啥啥红创作的人文国学有声书作品THE FUTURE OF CAPITALISM,目前已更新32个声音,收听最新音频章节223战胜极端派:关于归属的政治。有缘就能看见,看不见就是无...
The capitalization of almost everything - The future of finance and capitalism This article examines an apparent dichotomy that lies at the heart of the contemporary financial system. On the one hand, the financial system would appear... A Leyshon,NJ Thrift - IEEE Conference on Emerging Technolo...
News, commentary, and analysis about business, government, and the future of capitalism, edited by Ira Stoll