Yes, we know that bloopers are an easy win. Auntie's Bloomers and It'll Be Alright on the Night carried on for years with hardly any effort. But there's a reason for that: they're ruddy hilarious. But some shows go above and beyond in the gag-reel department. These are the shows...
IS THIS THE FUNNIEST INTERVIEW EVER? JENSEN AND A SLEEPY RON JEREMYByadmin1363 views The Lion is Gonna Get YouByadmin1456 views Top 7 Best Eagle Attacks (GRIZZLY,KANGAROO...& MAN) HDByadmin1469 views Monkey Smells Finger, Falls out of TreeByadmin1685 views ...
The funniest photos from our wedding. The wedding bloopers. Clearly, my favorite photos. Getting ready Mama Bear wanted me to make a pretty face, but I just wanted to make her laugh. Mission unsuccessful. I’ll try again later. Nope, she still wanted to kill me. I love you, Mama!
we are offered some interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, but way too many clips from the film. Ironically, given the anti-corporate slant of the movie, this featurette is very slick and corporate. It should be noted that the commentary and featurette...
Watch the Funniest Halloween News Bloopers of All Time.halloweenholidaysnewsbloopersNewsfeedEBSCO_AspTime Com
Watch Deal or No Deal Island web exclusive: Funniest Animal Bloopers on the Banker's Island | Deal or No Deal Island | NBC -
One of Fillion’s other bloopers includes unknowingly wearing a face mask while exiting a vehicle and walking toward the camera. He later jumbles up his words while describing an election poster inside the Los Angeles precinct. “Our union delegate helps us decide what goes on to the it,” ...
Ready to get your game face on? Visit our for your fix of the funniest sports fails around. Watch, laugh, and perhaps even share your own epic fail. Remember, in the arena of AFV, everyone’s a winner!Home/Funny Videos/Sports Bloopers...
News reporters can be as professional as they come, but sometimes life has a funny way of turning what should otherwise be a serious segment into a comedic blooper. While we’ve covered news bloopers before (this compilation of 2015 missteps is certainly worth taking a look at),News Be F...
Resuscitation Station:"Have you ever made a patient's bed and had an overwhelming desire to lay down in it? Have you ever sneaked candy from a patient's bedside while she was sleeping? Have you ever considered tattooing "No Code" on your chest? If you answered yes to any of these, th...