本文提供通过微软的RDP协议本地客户端远程连接Windows实例时报错:出现身份验证错误,要求的函数不受支持(The function requested is not supported)的解决方法。 问题原因 微软官方2018年5月更新了凭据安全支持提供程序协议(CredSSP)相关补丁和身份验证请求方式。当出现以下任一情景时会出现该连接错误: 情景一:本地客户端...
I am trying to compile a matlab function that calls others sub-Fcts. I want to know if there is command to tell the compiler to not to compile a sub-Fct since it is not supported ? Thanks 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Answers (2) ...
opencv报错The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Cocoa support 我的问题是下面两个版本不一样导致的,安装一样的就可以了 opencv-python opencv-contrib-python
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvNamedWindow, file /home/aborn/software/OpenCV-...
建函数索引的时候报错:ORA-30553: The function is not deterministic, 这个函数是自定义的。 SQL>create index mobileIndex on mobile(getmobilearea (callerno)); Google 一下: 解决如下: 在创建基于自定义函数时, 指定deterministic参数,在创建函数索引,就没有问题了。
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvNamedWindow, file /home/aborn/software/OpenCV...
Some users are encountering the An Authentication Error Has Occurred the Function Requested is Not Supported error when trying to use the Remote
我在使用opencv学习决策树时,通过使用示例发现运行到train函数时,opencv会出现如下错误: OpenCV(3.4.15) Error: The function/feature is not implemented (surrogate splits are not implemented yet) in cv::…
SELECTSUBSTR(catdesc,1)FROMcategory LIMIT1;ERROR: SUBSTR()functionisnotsupported (Hint: use SUBSTRING instead) To successfully run the previous query, useSUBSTRING. SELECTSUBSTRING(catdesc,1)FROMcategory LIMIT1;+---+|substring|+---+|NationalBasketball Association|+---+ FACTORIAL() FACTORIAL() ...
OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The function is not implemented. Rebuild the library with Windows, GTK+ 2.x or Carbon support. If you are onUbuntuorDebian, install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config, then re-run cmake or configure script) in cvNamedWindow, file D:\caffe-static\source\opencv-2....