In Persona 3, the player takes the role of a male high-school student who joins the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad, a group of students investigating the Dark Hour, a time period between one day and the next that few people are aware of. During the Dark Ho...
The Partysquad tracks and releases in highest quality ✚Find the latest releases here✚ #1 source for Livesets/ DJ Sets and more
Spike Lee copters audiences back to the Vietnam War with Da 5 Bloods, a daring film that's part drama, part war movie, and part heist flick. Named for a squad of Black U.S. Army soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division, Lee's critically heralded 2020 joint follows this band of brothers...
When Jack (James Marsden) and Diane (Marley Shelton) find themselves in an unexpected adult situation, the A-Squad comes to their rescue. In order to help their friend Diane, the A-Squad goes where no cheerleader has gone before: taking on a little after-school project known as b...
The Squad tracks and releases in highest quality ✚Find the latest releases here✚ #1 source for Livesets/ DJ Sets and more
Germany’s Fuela Borg was Javelin in The Suicide Squad, had a small role in one of the Pitch Perfect movies and appeared in an episode of TV’s Ghosts. Irish actor Muiris Crowley, who plays a sneering Nazi, popped up (as the “Third Saxon noble”) in a couple of episodes of ...
He also sent in the Exo Squad ending for the Sega Genesis. And here are a couple more Genesis goodies from myself: the ending for Super Hang-On and Kujaku Ou 2 Geneijou. And finally, here are the last Nintendo 3DS endings I've done: Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, and Nano ...
Thanks to its procedurally generated maps and wide range of enemies, abilities, and ever-improving gear and weaponry, the tactical possibilities for your squad are all but endless. Especially when played on high difficulty in the no-takebacks Iron Man mode, every decision can mean the difference...
Together, they team up Monster Squad-style to take down the bloodsuckers and save their community. With a sharp wit, a warm heart, a rich sense of atmosphere, and an equal appreciation for the Blade movies and '80s Amblin, Vampires vs. the Bronx is an easy watch full of rewards.*— ...
This is a project to document the works of video game designers and programmers for early, primarily 8-bit, systems. It focuses on platforms where most games were created by individuals or small teams, including home computers (like the Atari 800 and Apple II), consoles (like the Atari 2600...