word meaning Word method word of advice Word of command Word of Faith word of farewell Word of God word of honor word of mouth word order word painting word picture word play word processing word processing system word processor word salad ...
Longitudinally, compared with consistent engagement, individuals with decreased SCCE were more likely to use inpatient care but had fewer outpatient and dental care visits at 6 years of follow-up. Meaning These findings suggest that SCCE may have a protective association in shaping beneficial early ...
Despite the central elements of friendship that seem universally accepted as the general characteristics of friendship, friendship varies in terms of meaning according to circumstance or settings. Literature on friendship has described how friendship is experienced in various settings, from wide cultural co...
These results also raise new biological questions, in particular about the meaning of this non-mature phosphorylated proteoform that interrogates the current paradigm for lipoprotein biogenesis in mycobacteria. Indeed, it is widely considered that Mtb protein phosphorylation occurs in the cytoplasmic ...
(The number of edits typically relates to how well I followed the guidelines.) I review the changes, making sure the underlying meaning isn’t lost and submit it again for “validation”. If all is accepted, the article goes into layout and publishing. If not, we repeat the same ...
deepwater oil and gas operators around the globe are forced to come up with innovative solutions to minimise development CAPEX (full meaning needed) and make deepwater oil development projects economically feasible. One such solution I proposed was to design a well...
2b): a full dmeastcerdiptthieondiisstapnrcoevbideetwd einenththeeSdI.ifWfereeanltsoNcPosnufsiirnmgeTdEfMormanadtidoynnoafmthiceli(gAhutNscCat)tNe/rQinDg6(D25LcSo) nmfiegausurarteimonenatnsd; thesetsie- were then compared to the theoretical predictions of distance (details in ...
Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various research areas of...
Introduction Many adults worldwide have low levels of health literacy, meaning that they are less able to access, understand, appraise, and communicate information to engage with the demands of different health contexts to promote and maintain health across the life-course [1]. Large-scale survey...
After a series of developments from this Article, in 2002, General Comment No.15 [2] clarified the meaning of the right to water and established the ground for further resolutions, starting with Resolution 64/292. The progression of UNGA and HRC resolutions since 2010 have deepened the ...