Iconic '90s thriller, The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones, undergoes a visually astounding 4K restoration, despite underwhelming use of overhead Atmos audio channels.
Burbank, Calif., October 4, 2023 – As part of the year-long centennial celebration for the 100th anniversary of Warner Bros. Studio, the acclaimed action thriller film The Fugitive from director Andrew Davis (A Perfect Murder, Holes) will be available for purchase on 4K Ultra HD...
To celebrate the film’s 30th and the studio’s 100th anniversaries, Warner has finally released Andrew Davis’ The Fugitive to 4K UHD Blu-ray. The Fugitive (1993) Released: 06 Aug 1993 Rated: PG-13 Runtime: 130 min Director: Andrew Davis Genre: Action, Crime, Drama Cast: Harrison Ford...
The Fugitive Announces 4K Release For 30-Year Anniversary With New Trailer [EXCLUSIVE] ByOwen Danoff Oct 4, 2023 58 Years Ago, 78 Million People Watched The Most Popular TV Show Finale Ever ByRyan Kirksey Aug 30, 2023 Disputed Origin Of The Fugitive’s “I Don’t Care” Line Addressed ...
After nearly settling down to domestic life with a good woman in 1963’s “New Tale of Zatoichi” by Tozuka Tanaka, our hero Ichi now finds himself dodging bounty hunters and getting stuck between warring Yakuza in “Zatoichi the Fugitive”, the second Zatoichi film of 1963 which is also di...
Pre-Order The Maltese Falcon (1941) (4k UHD) Available for Preorder Ronald Epstein Jan 12, 2023 Blu-ray and UHD 2 Tags warner Replies 35 Views 5K Feb 26, 2023 Bartman B UHD Review The Fugitive UHD Review Todd Erwin Nov 25, 2023 Blu-ray and UHD Replies 1 Views 4K Nov ...
亡命天涯-The Fugitive的简介 金波医生的妻子在家中被人谋杀,虽然金波当晚撞见独臂凶手并与之搏斗,但是凶手终于逃走,金波本人却因种种不利证据被判定为谋杀罪。在押解前往监狱的途中,一名犯人试图逃脱造成狱车事故,金波在混乱中搭救了一名警员并趁夜
【目錄編號】:4K1817 【英文名稱】:The Fugitive 4K 【影片介質】:藍光BD50G 【影片音軌】:英TrueHD 7.1/英DTS-HD 5.1/英DD 5.1/法DD 5.1/德DD 5.1/意DD 5.1/西DD 5.1 【影片字幕】:英/西/中簡/中繁/中簡英/中繁英/捷克/波蘭/丹/芬/韓等...
The oft-referenced events in New Orleans sound more compelling than most of what happens on screen inThe Fugitive Kind. The film makes its points and keeps making them, visually as well as verbally, feeling increasingly predigested by its creators, leaving the audience with little space to...
Simmering away just beneath the parlor comedy of Buñuel’s Oscar-winning triumph is a somber work that nods toward horror, though the film’s characters are haunted not by the fugitive phantoms of liberty, but by gory specters of murder, betrayal, even police brutality. What’s more,The ...