青蛙和蟾蜍动画来自非常经典的英语桥梁书Frog and Toad,故事情节幽默可爱,通过英语原版动画学习英语,积累情景表达,积累语感,大人孩子都适合, 视频播放量 373、弹幕量 0、点赞数 2、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 5、转发人数 0, 视频作者 wangmeilidaisy, 作者简介 ,相关视
Frog.and.Toad.S01E06.The.Story.and.A.List.是英文桥梁书改编动画【Frog and Toad 青蛙与蟾蜍 】动画剧场版 -第1季全,第1-8集 - 1080p的第4集视频,该合集共计5集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
汪培珽第三阶段14本套装 儿童英文原版绘本 I Can Read 少儿分级读物 进口书籍 The Frog and Toad 青蛙和蟾蜍 永远的好朋友全集 故事情节具有引导性和教育性 服务收货后结算 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(31) ...
1.Frog and Toad are Friends 《青蛙和蟾蜍好朋友》(I Can Read, Level 2)(有音频) 主题:友情 Frog and Toad agreed: it was a perfect day for a swim. And Frog was kind enough not to look at Toad in his bathing suit, per Toad’s request. But when the swimming was over, a crowd ...
青蛙和蟾蜍 Frog and Toad 中英文双字幕 动画 16集 可加微信 723651938 购买下载,可以拷到液晶电视 电脑等播放
Frog and Toad are always there for each other -- just as best friends should be. From sledding in winter to eating ice cream on hot summer days, these two friends have fun together the whole year round! The Frog and Toad Collection Box Set的创作者 ··· 阿诺德·洛贝尔 作者/ 绘者 ...
“Happy birthday,” said Frog. Toad put on the hat. It fell down over his eyes. “I am sorry,” said Frog. “That hat is much too big for you. I will give you something else.” 蟾蜍生日那天, 青蛙送给他一...
A toad saw a frog near the road. He was a fat old frog. 一只癞蛤蟆在路边看到一只青蛙。那是只又胖又老的青蛙。 He sat and moaned and groaned. 他坐在那里呻吟叹息着。 The toad said," Do not moan and groan, Mr. Frog. Hop like me. Hop down the road. 癞蛤蟆说:“青蛙先生,不要呻...
So the frog and the toad went down the road to a big oak tree. “I am home,” said the toad. “Come in and I will make tea.” But Mr. Frog said, in a deep croak, “I must not roam far from home. I will be off to my home near the pond.” ...