而这部《完整破碎》则从游戏的命名就开始了它的无下限表演,不难发现这“The Fractured but Whole”实际就是“破碎的菊花”的变体,分享一则趣闻,游戏的最早被命名为“The Butthole of Time”,然而由于发行商称零售商不肯卖名字中有“肛门”字样的游戏,制作者才不得不把名字改成了现在这样。相信大部分愿意去玩《...
游戏里自然是数不清的彩蛋,像作品名字就无节操得很明显:South Park: The Fractured but Whole看起来好像没什么不对,其实but whole和butt hole发音接近,也难怪中文翻译作菊部破碎(谐音梗要扣分),还比如大家都很眼熟的摩根弗里曼……但抛开这些各种精髓的R18、恶搞内容,还有不少...
as parents, saying less is more. “There are so many things in parenting that are good to talk through, but I’m not convinced that food is one of them,” she says. “It just creates some worries and insecurities in kids that aren’t necessarily healthy.” ...
The question I ponder when considering the Eliksni and their fractured society is how we, the supposed heroes we claim to be, react to a species on the brink? As we are. To my mind, we must be cruel. End them now, while they are on the brink, or risk whatever it is they will ...
Lastly, for the well and truly discomforting part, your report of fractured canine teeth and some others ground down, so perhaps took the bear longer to kill them (owing to less efficient bites)(or maybe they both got lucky)(maybe that bear had a fondness for carotid or femoral artery)....
is built with eight 100G SerDes. A single data center rack will contain tens of thousands of SerDes. You can think of them as the molecules of networking: Fundamental building blocks that have an outsized influence on the health of the system as a whole. Slightly reducing the picojoules ...
Instead of offering lofty but unrealistic things such as whole separate campaigns, multiplayer modes, and fully-featured level editors, we instead had them offering single creatures to the game from a limited selection, which was also useful for us in whittling down the choices b...
And the whole process may also be observed by researchers through a one-way mirror.研究人员可能通过单向镜观察整个过程。 But although they can provide valuable insight, focus groups do have their limitations,尽管焦点小组研究可以提供有价值的信息,它也有一定局限。