Block Island Photo By US Navy Employee – U.S. National Archives photo #80-G-87149., Public Domain, The only place I’ve ever seen a street address on a headstone is Cobh. Quite a few of them had an address, perhaps this is ...
remember?) Aside from paid work, I do charity work assisting vulnerable people in court. I have had a fairly high profile life and many people have said good and bad things about me. I am not motivated by your criticisms of me. I have not lifted a finger to try...
It is true that the aforesaid cousin Walter may have been a better raconteur than historian; still, local tradition vigorously opposes any lessening of the number of the countess’s years, pinning its faith rather on one Hayman, who says that she p...
To explore the flaws in such thinking, we must first revisit the definition of the term “UFO”. A UFO is,by definition, anunidentifiedflying object. This means that, quite simply, we do not know what it is – it doesn’t mean that it’s a bird, weather balloon, alien spacecraft, ...
While the rational brain says, “It’s a legal system: slow, slower, and court speed,” the hind-brain is screaming “two weeks to flatten the curve! We can’t take any more tension and delay and ‘just two more weeks.’ Make It Stop!” And so people lash out when the sooner ...