《狐狸与猎狗》是1981年7月10日上映的美国动画电影。该片是华特迪士尼第24部动画长片。由Ted Berman、Richard Rich和Art Stevens执导,米基·鲁尼和库尔特·拉塞尔等人担任主要配音。该片改编自丹尼尔·曼尼克斯于1967年创作的同名小说,讲述了狐狸托德和猎狗卡普的友谊随着时间的推移而慢慢转变的故事。剧情简介 一只名叫...
fox-hunting Thesaurus Wikipedia n (Hunting) a sport in which hunters follow a pack of hounds in pursuit of a fox ˈfox-ˌhuntern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011,...
故事起源于农村美国。一只名叫陶德的小狐狸的母亲被猎人杀害, 小狐狸被一名老妇人收养。 有一天,陶德看到小铜很快成为朋友。它们一同玩耍嬉闹,过着无忧无虑的生活。但是当它们渐渐长大,也知道彼此是天敌的命运,它们的友谊渐渐出现危机。陶德在一次意外中不小心...
Define fox hunting. fox hunting synonyms, fox hunting pronunciation, fox hunting translation, English dictionary definition of fox hunting. n. a sport in which mounted hunters follow hounds in pursuit of a fox. fox′ hunt`er, n. Random House Kernerman We
《狐狸与猎狗》(The Fox and the Hound)是一部探讨友谊与命运的经典动画电影,以其深刻的主题和感人的故事赢得了广泛赞誉。 一、故事背景与主要角色 《狐狸与猎狗》的故事背景设定在美国的乡村,主要讲述了小狐狸陶德和猎狗小铜之间的友情故事。陶德在母亲被猎人杀害后被一位老...
The Fox and the Hound: Directed by Ted Berman, Richard Rich, Art Stevens, David Hand, Wolfgang Reitherman. With Mickey Rooney, Kurt Russell, Pearl Bailey, Jack Albertson. A fox named Tod and a hound named Copper vow to be best friends forever. But as Cop
【狐狸與獵狗】(The Fox and the Hound)是迪士尼所推出的第24部經典動畫作品,當年是於1981年問世,堪稱是迪士尼動畫當中描寫友誼的經典代表作! 本片是改編自 Daniel P. Mannix 的同名著作,內容是敘述小狐狸 Tod 與小獵狗 Copper 自幼即結成最好的朋友,他們一同玩耍嘻鬧,過著無憂無慮的生活。但是當他們漸漸長大...
A fox named Tod and a hound named Copper vow to be best friends forever. But as Copper grows into a hunting dog, their unlikely friendship faces the ultimate test. Title Summary All ReleasesOriginal Release1988 Re-releaseOriginal Release ...
又 名狐狸与猎犬 The Fox and the Hound ... 编剧Ted BermanLarry Clem... 主 演米基·鲁尼库尔特·拉塞尔Pearl Bailey杰克·艾伯森Sandy Duncan 剧情 版本一: 小狐狸 Tod 与小猎狗 Copper 自幼即结成最好的朋友,他们一同玩耍嘻闹,过着无忧无虑的生活。但是当他们渐渐长大,也渐渐知道彼此是天敌的命运,一次意外...
The Fox and the Hound 2(2006) G Video|69 min|Animation, Adventure, Comedy Edit pageAdd to list Track Tod and Copper still go together like an itch and a scratch, but when Copper gets a shot at the big time with a nutty group of hound dog howlers, their purebred friendship is put ...