She couldn't be like them.She couldn't survey the wreck of the world with an air of casual unconcern.She was as hunted as a fox, running with a bursting heart, trying to reach a burrow before the hounds caught up. Suddenly she hated them all because they were different from her, bec...
My LEAST favorites are: Lady and the Tramp, Bambi, The Fox and the Hound & 101 Dalmatians. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist for you to figure out that anytime an animal gets hurt in a movie, I hate it. So this rant brought me back to the original topic, which is telling you...
Not unless they have a convincing fox costume. If they do, I’m a YouTube millionaire, and I will buy all the replacement hens anyone could want after I get the video of my cat getting into that costume by itself. Righto. No, my cats aren’t evil. But they do make me an irrespon...
(you probably don’t remember that this was the era of the fox and the hound and the black cauldron .) in 1982 bluth and his cadre of fellow disney defectors made the secret of nimh , in which a society of genetically altered rats possessing human-level intelligence comes to the aid of...
american folk music american foxhound american frontier american fustic chitt american gangsta american geographical american geriatrics a american ginseg panax american golf constru american gothic american graduation i american grand nation american hackney hors american high school american holiday cult ameri...
The Matchbox Forest rose up around me: towers of EZ Strike matchbooks and boxes from impossible, magical places like the Coronado Hotel, Becky’s Diner, the Fox and Hound Pub. Garbagetowners picked through heaps and cairns of blackened, used matchsticks looking for the precious ones that still...
手机阅读【CHAPTER I: THE PHILOSOPHY OF FOX-HUNTING】精校无缺失全文免费 CHAPTER I: THE PHILOSOPHY OF FOX-HUNTING As this my story will probably run counter to more than one fashion of the day, literary and other, it is prudent to bow to those fashions wherever I honestly can; and theref...
The fox-hunting man never had enough of the thrills, the danger, and the beauty of the hunt; of the wail of the huntsman’s horn, the excited yelping of the hounds, the streaming rush of red-coated riders and black-clad ladies on sidesaddles, the flying leaps over banks, fences, ...
His need for rest was imperative 急需的, 当务之急 and he thought, "I have played the fox, now I must play the cat of the fable."(文化背景:寓言中 狐狸吹嘘自己躲避猎人有许多招数,但是猫回答说它只有一个方法就是爬到最近的树 上,但这个办法恰恰是最管用的办法,说明了为什么 Rainsford...
Its demise is often attributed to a lawsuit brought against it by Twentieth-Century Fox after co-editor Graham Greene had written in no uncertain terms about the sexual stance displayed by nine-year-old Shirley Temple in Wee Willie Winkie. In fact, funding had been low from the beginning, ...