The Fox and the Ducks (机器翻译:狐狸和鸭子) 作者:Jill Atkins 出版社:Pearson ISBN(13位):9781408260364 语种:英语 开本:24 页数:16 市场价:¥ 34.0 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 8.00¥ 7.040有货通知 内容简介 狐狸想抓鸭子回去喂它的幼崽,但它陷入了泥潭.鸭子们会帮助它吗?
The fox fans sing. Foxes!Foxes!Foxes! 狐狸球迷一起唱。 “狐狸!狐狸!狐狸!” The ref rings a bell. The match has begun! 裁判员摇响铃铛。比赛开始了! The foxes and ducks kick the ball. 狐狸队队员和鸭子队队员踢起来了。 Rick Duck gets the...
The foxes and ducks kick the ball 狐狸队队员和鸭子队队员踢起来了。 Rick Duck gets the ball in. "Yes!” 鸭子里克踢入一球。“太好了!” Max Fox gets the ball in. "Yes!” 狐狸马克斯踢入一球。“太好了” The ducks get the ball. 鸭子队队员赢得到了球。 Max Fox kick Rick Duck! 狐狸...
The foxes and ducks kick the ball. 裁判员摇响铃铛。比赛开始了! 狐狸队队员和鸭子队队员踢起来了。 ❈ ❈ Rick Duck gets the ball in. "Yes!" Max Fox gets the ball in. 鸭子里克踢入一球。 “太好了!” ❈ ❈ The ducks ge...
福克斯豪斯附近的小溪酒店, 谢菲尔德(Stream near Fox House Inn, Sheffield) "瑟菲尔德福克斯和鸭子酒店("Fox and Duck" public house at Therfield) 查尔斯街外的福克斯壁画, 谢菲尔德(Fox mural off Charles Street, Sheffield) 橄榄球队, 煤矿巷道, 深水汽车, 谢菲尔德附近(Rugby Post Foxes, Coal Pit Lane, ...
The Duck and Fox Puzzle Main Concept A duck is swimming in the center of a perfectly circular pond of radius , and a fox is on the land at the very edge of the pond. The fox is hungry and wants to eat the duck, but it cannot swim. The duck wants to get..
box(箱子),发音为/bɒks/,是一个名词。fox(狐狸),发音为/fɒks/,也是一个名词。ox(牛),发音为/ɒks/,同样作为名词出现在本文中。视频学习 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭观看更多更多退出全屏往期绘本回顾 【英语绘本】Frank the Rat(攀登英语系列·趣味字母之旅)【英语绘本】The Biscuits(同上)...
2.10【正课】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛 孙瑞玲老师16.90万 2.10【歌谣】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛 孙瑞玲老师13.68万 2.10【故事】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛 孙瑞玲老师13.40万 24. - 24 The Fox and the Ox.mp3 好乐读英文绘本馆28.78万 【英】《伊索寓言》第19集:The Frog and the Ox...
The Fox and the Ox 狐狸和牛A box falls on an ox and fox.一只箱子掉下来砸到了牛和狐狸。The fox wants the box.牛想要箱子。The fox wants the box.狐狸也想要箱子。The box sits on the box.牛坐在了箱子上面。The fox sits on the box.狐狸也坐在了箱子上面。The ox pushes the fox.牛推了...