the fourth of july“The Fourth of July”即“美国独立纪念日”。这是美国最重要的国家节日之一,纪念的是美国于1776年7月4日脱离英国独立的历史事件。以下是对这一节日的详细解读: 背景与意义 “The Fourth of July”,也被称为“Independence Day”,即独立日,是美国为纪念1776...
Everybody accepts that Americans celebrate the independence of the United States on the Fourth of July, in remembrance of that famous date in 1776. In this article, the author features a simple lesson designed for students to check the accuracy of this most basic of American historical facts. ...
the fourth of july象征手法the fourth of july象征手法 4月的美国民主体系,以7月4日为标志,被称为“独立日”,这是美国历史上一个积极宣传自由、民主和人权的重要日子。在1776年7月4日,美国13个殖民地正式宣布脱离英国殖民统治,从而形成美国独立宣言。由此,7月4日被载入史册,成为美国国庆日,美国人民每年都会以...
The fourth of July marks the anniversary of America’s Declaration of Independence from Britain. During the summer of 1776, American colonists were deeply divided. Almost one in three was loyal to Britain. Yet most were increasingly angry about what they considered unfair treatment by the British...
那麼在美國會怎麼稱呼這個特別的節日呢?答案就是Independence Day或是the Fourth of July。 了解美國國慶背景並學會英文名稱之後,如果想要跟外國朋友們聊聊這個節日,有幾個一定要知道的相關單字,讓 VoiceTube 一次整理給你! independence (n.) 獨立 celebration (n.) 慶祝 ...
the fourth of july课后作文 The 4th of July is the most important holiday in the United States, for it reminds us of the famous day in 1776. When the Americans declared their independence, congress made the declaration in Philadelphia, and that night in the city there were joyful celebrations...
道格拉斯在1852年美国独立日发表了题为《7月4日对奴隶意味着什么》(What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July)的演讲。他用诗一般的语言,告诉美国听众他们先辈争取独立、寻求自由的英勇事迹,这些先贤为了自由,甘冒失去生命与财产的危险,寻求殖民地的独立,并获得成功,他们的英勇事迹值得美国的民族文学大书特书,...
The Fourth of July TheFourthofJuly --ByAndreLorde CulturalBackground IndependenceDay:IntheUnitedStates,IndependenceDay,commonlyknownastheFourthofJuly,isafederalholidaycommemoratingtheadoptionofTheDeclarationofIndependenceonJuly4,1776,declaringindependencefromtheKingdomofGreatBritain.CelebrationinNewYork(I)Celebration...
The Fourth of July is the United States' of its independence from England. It is the when the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the country's forefathers, and is a national holiday. It been celebrated every year since 1776. Americans hold day as one of the most revered holidays ...
The Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day or July 4th—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor...