This genre-defying artist seamlessly blends elements of hip-hop, rock, and pop to create his distinctive sound, which has garnered him legions of dedicated fans known as "Postmates." His memorable melodies and introspective lyrics resonate with teenagers who appreciate his unique perspective and inn...
In a genre dominated by quippy leads and awkward exploits, it takes a lot to stand out – and Juno does just that. Jason Reitman, fresh off of making Thank You For Smoking, brought a keen eye and grasp of good characters. Diablo Cody's script found a level of humanity amidst the quir...
The show's ability to consistently deliver laughs while also providing a smart commentary on the adventure genre cements its status as a comedic gem that continues to entertain audiences with its timeless humor. Premiered: January 7, 1976 Also ranks #40 on The Best Sitcoms Of The '70s, ...
In those five-plus decades, fans of metal have embraced the genre’s songs as intense declarations of individuality. To be a metalhead, you’re rejecting normalcy, you’re willing to believe in yourself and visit your dark side because you know the eardrum-slaughtering decibels and aggressive l...
No one else could match Mötley Crüe’s deserved reputation as the most debauched hair metal band around, with their four distinct personas also kind of making them the Beatles of the genre. Fortunately, they had the performance chops to back it up, remaining hugely popular throughout the ...
The 125 letters below introduce the literary genre of the Lads from Lagos. Most readers say "what an obvious scam!". Some say "I was almost fooled till I saw this site." A handful say "couldn't mine be 'real'?" Welcome to the Scamology. Stay safe out there!
(he had major parts inBen HurandThe Fall of the Roman Empire) would make one more movie before dying of a heart attack. He was 45.The Squeezeitself remains somewhat obscure, but its reputation among fans of the genre is strong. Deservedly so. It's a movie worth...
Genre: Rock Label: Electronic Arts Reviewed: September 9, 2009 Harmonix updates the hugely popular video game for the Beatles-- 45 songs from across their career are represented-- and gives it a markedly different vibe.Here's the story of the Beatles, as told by the intro to The Beatles:...
The musical and vocal elements are what make the song “heavy”. I don’t think Lennon meant heavy in the sense of the future genre “heavy metal.” I think he meant that suggestion as a way to get the entire band to play it as a hard rocker. Clearly, his recent visit with Elvis...
Rock may not have been invented in the ‘60s, but it’s certainly when the genre came into its own. Gallery Credit: Corey Irwin 10. The Stooges Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images 10. The Stooges Punk music would exist without the Stooges, but it certainly wouldn’t sound the same. The...