The royal bloodlines are “enobled” and their geographic dispersion is global, although most reside in Europe. The family names include Merovingian, Hapsburg, Algobrandini, Payseur, Sinclair (St. Clair), Borbon, Anjou, Cavendish, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Giustiniani, Plantagenet, Orsini, Windsor...
the word Cherub was just a name without further meaning. But that's very rare in the Bible since most names and words are part of groups of words that all tell something about the other words' meanings. It's more plausible that the word kerub belongs to a verb that was used by the ...
You peek out of one eye to get the words on the paper, yet the meanings will be clear even if it does not. The answer to all questions is LOVE & LIGHT. Through LOVE & LIGHT one achieves JOY. There is no other way. Go and be happy. We will work on more definitive answers at...
as Jezebel did centuries ago. One of the recurring themes here is in this type of cryptic literature — the genre is called apocalyptic — is that the author wants to keep the true meaning of what he is saying hidden from outsiders. So by repeatedly using names and symbols of the OT, ...
We had to memorize the names of German units, their table of organization, weapons, ordinance, combat vehicles, the terminology of the chain of command. We had to learn the German equivalents for tactical expressions such as “pin down,”“fall back,”“cut off,”“outflank,”“spearhead,...
Here’s the science:when someone hears their own name, unique parts of the brain areactivated. But they’re not when hearing others’ names. Use this to your advantage to name-slip someone’s name during your conversations! Here’s how to do it:Right after the person introduces him- or...
During the 1590s, some of the great names of English literature entered their maturity, including William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe. Continuing into the Jacobean era, the English theatre would reach its peak.[193] The notion of a great Elizabethan era depends largely on the builders, ...
(i.e., the Isis of the Apuleius is not the Isis of ancient Egypt; the Mithras of the mithraeum is not the Mitra of the magi) where the center of the worshippers’ connection with the deity was in ritual actions the meanings of which were concealed from those not initiated into those ...
Canon Farrar (Lift of Christ, vol. ii. p. 848), says: "Anything more utterly unhistorical than the Talmud, cannot be conceived. It is probable that no human writings ever confounded names, dates, and facts, with more absolute indifference." ...
• Leonard, Sabrina, Adriane, and Redmond. Their names all have seven letters. Their names have origins/meanings that correspond to the color of their shirts. The colors correspond, mostly, to the color of the Four Horsemen. • Redmond knocks over the little yellow (death!) lamp and tha...