罗斯福总统freedoms演讲ofversaillesamericannation 罗斯福总统演讲TheFourFreedoms mr.president,mr.speaker,membersofthe77thcongress: iaddressyou,themembersofthisnewcongress,atamoment unprecedentedinthehistoryoftheunion.iusetheword “unprecedented”becauseatnoprevioustimehasamerican securitybeenasseriouslythreatenedfromwit...
论四大自由 The Four Freedom 富兰克林 罗斯福批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 The Four Freedoms 论四大自由 富兰克林.罗斯福 I address you, the Members of the Seventy-Seventh Congress, at amomentunprecedented in the history of the Union. I use the word "unprecedented," because at no ...
all the population and all the resources of Europe and Asia, and Africa and Austral-Asia will be dominated by conquerors. And let us remember that the total of those populations in those four continents, the total of those populations and their resources greatly exceed the...
The first phase of the invasion of this hemisphere would not be the landing of regular troops. The necessary strategic points would be occupied by secret agents and by their dupes -- and great numbers of them are already here and in Latin America. As long as the aggressor nations maintain ...
《The Four Freedoms》四大自由 演讲者:Franklin D. Roosevelt 富兰克林·罗斯福 --- 在一九四一年一月六日致国会的咨文中,富兰克林.罗斯福总统要求国会根据租借法案,把必要的武器装备提供给那些总统认为其防御对美国利益至关重要的国家。由于战争逼近,他宣布了四项「人类的基本自由」这项宣布,被认为是关于美国人民准备...
罗斯福总统演讲The Four Freedoms.doc,1 - 罗斯福总统演讲The Four Freedoms I address you, the members of this new Congress, at a moment unprecedented in the history of the union. I use the word “unprecedented” because at no previous time has American secu
the Four Freedoms 美 英 na.(1941年美国总统罗斯福提出的所谓“言论自由,信仰自由,免于匮乏,免于恐惧”的)四大自由 英汉 na. 1. (1941年美国总统罗斯福提出的所谓“言论自由,信仰自由,免于匮乏,免于恐惧”的)四大自由 例句 释义: 全部,四大自由
the four freedoms (美国总统罗斯福于 1941年1月6日提出的)四大自由(即言论自由、信仰自由、免于恐惧的自由和免于匮乏的自由)[亦作 the Four Freedoms]希望我的回答可以帮到你 谢谢!