Political Parties and the ConstitutionThe Foundersthe Evils of Parties
The country is bound in a literal sense to the letter of the law as the Founders wrote it over two hundred years ago. “What you see is what you get” no matter what societal evolution has taken place. (The counter argument to this is that the Constitution offers overarching principles...
The founders of the Republic viewed their revolution primarily in political rather than economic or social terms.And they talked about education as essential to the public good--a goal that took precedence over knowledge as occupational training or as a means to self-fulfillment or self- improvemen...
Parliament were at stake. And while the new Senate of 100 members was open for election for the first time, the Senate had little power and was viewed as a “safety valve” for the rulers. To say the powers that be thought the outcome was rigged is an understatement of historic ...
The founders of the Republic viewed their revolution primarily in political rather than economic or social terms. And they talked about education as essential to the public good—a goal that took precedence over knowledge as occupational training or as a means to self-fulfillment or self-improvement...
From its inception, the mission of the WHCA has been to“share the belief, held by our country’s Founders and enshrined in the First Amendment, that an independent news media is vital to the health of the republic.”It is, in fact, the only way to ensure that the interests of the ...
the foundational and profound philosophical contributions of the leading thinkers of ancient Greece, including the pre-Socratic cosmologists of the 6th and 5th centuries bce; the intellectual giants of Classical Athens—Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; and the Hellenistic founders of Stoicism, Epicure...
Who were the intellectual founders of liberalism? How is liberalism related to democracy? liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting andenhancingthe freedom of theindividualto be the central problem of politics. Liberals typically believe thatgovernmentis necessary to protect individuals from being...
After the unanimous election of George Washington as the nation’s first president, the Founders figured that consequent elections would feature tons of candidates who would divide up the electoral pie into tiny chunks, giving Congress a chance to pick the winner. But as soon as national politica...
Part of what VSD can and should do is motivate the construction of this third space as one that can also operate as a design space. Actually doing so does not come without difficulty or methodological manipulation. However, the founders intended VSD to be flexible for seamless integration into...