1b, where a quark from each of the protons radiates a virtual vector boson (W or Z), which then fuse together to make a Higgs boson. Other processes, with smaller cross-sections, are: production in association with a vector boson or ‘Higgsstrahlung’ (VH) depicted in Fig. 1c, and ...
Further components in the formula include integrated luminosity Lint, branching ratio of the decay BR, veto efficiencies corresponding to the pile-up εvetopileup and electromagnetic dissociation εvetoEMD and the rapidity interval Δy. The associated systematic uncertainties are briefly described in the...
It has been shown in [85] that once one considers homogenous infinite nucleus the b integral on the formula 53 can be factorized and enters only via initial condition $$\begin{aligned} \varPhi (x,k^2)= & {} \frac{1}{2\pi }\int d^2b \int \frac{d^2 r}{r^2}e^{i k \cdot...
Heavy atomic nuclei have an excess of neutrons over protons, which leads to the formation of a neutron skin whose thickness is sensitive to details of the nuclear force. This links atomic nuclei to properties of neutron stars, thereby relating objects that differ in size by orders of magnitude...
The number of protons and electrons is the subscript (6). To find the number of neutrons use the following equation: #neutrons+Z=massnumber Plugging in what you know yields: #neutrons+6=13 So: #neutrons=7 Carbon-13 has seven neutrons while carbon-12 has six. ...
Compound 1 was obtained as a white amorphous powder, and its molecular formula was analyzed as C27H38O12 by HRESIMS (m/z 577.2260 [M + Na]+, calculated 577.2261 for C27H38NaO12). The NMR spectra of 1 showed two stereoisomers: 1a and 1b (5:3). In the 1H NMR spectrum of 1a (...
The number of ions in a compound depends on the structure of the compound and the oxidation states of the elements within the compound. An element's oxidation state is the number of electrons that an atom possesses or lacks relative to the number of protons in its nucleus. This determines ...
“natural” value of θ is believed to be order unity. On the other hand, the most recent experimental upper limit on the neutronelectric dipolemoment|dn|<2.9×10−26ecm(90% CL)[4]3translates to a stringent upper limit θ < (1.2 ± 0.6) × 10−10using the formula in[5]. Why ...
Son (2004) also concluded that at high pCO2, the corrosion rate is increased by reducing the pH level due to the supply of protons from carbonic acid and increasing the rate of reduction of carbonic acid to bicarbonates. This is shown in Equation (2) as:(2)CO2+H2O→H2CO3→H++HCO3-...
We were surprised to find yet another method being used by the Higgs mechanism for this coupling (no G-M can reach down to [Math Processing Error]mb because the barrier set by the Higgs VEV is not too high): the only way that we could find for this coupling was the deflation factor ...