2004. "The Forms of Social Capital: A Sociomedical Science Investigation of Neighborhood Social Capital as a Health Determinant Using a Bourdieu Framework." Ph.D. diss., Columbia University.Capriano, R. M. (2004). The forms of social capital: A sociomed- ical science investigation of ...
英文版的较早出处是 handbook of theory of research for the sociology of education oxford出的一本论文大集子 education--culture, economy and socioety 一书也有 中译版则出自 文化资本与社会炼金术
Bourdieu, P, “The forms of social capital.” In John G. Richardson (eds.):Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education,Greenwood Press, Westport, 1986, has been cited by the following article: Article Learning Arabic as a Third Space: An Ethnography of Chinese Muslim Wome...
The Forms of Social Capital Pierre Bourdieu-Acts of Resistance_ Against the Tyranny of the Market -The New Press (1998) 文献阅读MM定理The cost of capital, corporation finance and the theory of investment Introduction to the Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms Impact of Working Capital Management ...
The Forms of Social Capital 热度: '\\II! Thesocialworldisaccumulatedhistory,and ifitisnottobereducedtoadiscontinuous seriesofinstantaneousmechanicalequilibria between agents whoaretreated asinter- changeableparticles,onemustreintroduce intoitthenotionofcapitalandwithit,accu- ...
Furthermore, all participants stand united against all forms of corruption and other international criminal activities, and work consistently to combat commercial bribery. This ensures that financial resources and projects are managed with integrity and efficiency, leading to greater outcomes and making ...
However, little research has been conducted into how different forms of social capital or social networks influence health. What is tile difference, for instance, between bonding and bridging social capital in terms of health outcomes? It is important to distinguish the different forms because they ...
布迪厄:the+forms+of+capital(英文).pdf,The Formsof Capital 47 lIIaximize monetary profit cannot be defined tions, and at the cost of the more or less expen- 2 (Ill Ruehwithout producing the purposeless sive transformations which are the precondi- Inali
9 PIERRE BOURDIEU The Forms of Capital The social world is accumulated history, and if it is not to be reduced to a discontinuous series of instantaneous mechanical equilibria between agents who are treated as interchangeable particles, one must reintroduce into it the notion of capital and with ...
into economic capital and may be institutionalized in the forms of educational qualifications; and associal capital, made up of social obligations (‘connections’), which is convertible, in certain conditions, into economic capital and may be institutionalized in the forms of a title of nobility....