'Dalit Sikhs' remained in the background but the act of purification, 'Khande-ki-pahul', was cited as the medium to abolish all differentiation and further, to remove caste distinctions, Khalsa Biradari was formed in 1907. But did this elevated status of the Dalit Sikhs as Khalsa or Ab...
Baisakhinot only celebrates the harvest but also marks the formation of the Khalsa in 1699, making it a significant day for Sikhs. DuringDiwali, it is customary to light diyas (lamps) to ward off darkness and evil, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. Teeyanis a celebration...
Celebrated on April 13th or 14th, Baisakhi is not just a harvest festival; it holds immense significance for both the agricultural community and the Sikh population. For farmers, it’s a time to thank the earth for its bounty, while for Sikhs, it commemorates the formation of the Kha...
Perdue now diverts our attention to the clever strategy of the Manchus to ensure the neutrality of Russia in dealing with the western Mongols, or the Zunghars, whose involvement with their own survival, state-formation, and empire-building sent them raiding their steppe brothers, the Khalkas an...
of preachership and missionary work. Mata Sahib Kaur, wife of Guru Gobind Singh, participated in the preperation of amrit by pouring sugar crystals in it which was administered to the Five Beloved Ones at the time of the formation of Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh. Similarly, women were ...
Khalsa Khama Khambhat Gulf of Khamenei Khamenei Ali khamsin Khamti khan Khan Tengri khanate Khanbalik khanda khanga Khania khanjar khansamah Khanty khaph khapra beetle kharif kharja Kharkiv Kharkov Khartoum Khartoum North khat Khatami Khaya khayal ...
To understand the relationship between our bacterial microbiome and health, it is essential to define the microbiome in the absence of disease. The digestive tract includes diverse habitats and hosts the human body's greatest bacterial density. We descri
KHALSA DIWAN AMRITSAR, established at Amritsar on 11 April 1883 to oversee and provide direction to the work of the Singh Sabha. This reform movement had originated in Amritsar with the formation of the first Singh Sabha on 1 October 1873. Singh Sabhas began springing up in other places, the...
Rietveld analysis from XRD revealed the structural formation of CdO nanoparticles. The crystallite size decreased from 33 to 24 nm with an increase in annealing temperature. The chemical bonds in FT-IR spectra confirmed the formation of CdO nanoparticles. Raman spectra of the CdO nanparticles were ...
(the Khalsa) and that a general assembly was the supreme organ of Sikhism. The hereditary authority of the gurus was abolished. Several practices were adopted to distinguish Sikhs from the rest of the Punjabi population. All Sikhs were required to wear a turban, long hair, and a beard and...