The Forgotten City Global player ratings 4.64Average rating 4.64 stars out of five stars from 2227 ratings 2227 ratings 79% 13% 4% 2% 3% Game and Legal Info The Forgotten City is a mystery adventure game of exploration and deduction, and a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed mod that ...
The Forgotten City does a fabulous job exploring interesting moral quandaries through excellently written dialogue and characters.
The Forgotten City is a great game, even more if you think it's built by 3 people. They deserve more credit and more money, because this game is full of good ideas and a very interesting lore. FULL REVIEW PC FULL REVIEW PC 10 ...
《遗忘之地(The Forgotten)》是一款第一视角黑暗恐怖风格的冒险游戏,游戏能够充分唤起你内心深处的恐惧...
The Forgotten City 是一款結合探索與推理的解謎冒險遊戲,將大獲好評且得到澳洲編劇工會獎肯定的遊戲模組重製,下載數量已累積超過 3 百萬。 您可以選擇戰鬥,但暴力無法讓您走到最後。您得從這群命運相連且個性鮮明的角色身上問出情報,還要善用時間輪迴並做出困難的道德
ve led to a very repetitive game, The Forgotten City also knows how to add in shortcuts — both literally and figuratively — to make everything move a little faster, rather than forcing you to read the same dialogue and perform the same actions over and over again....
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
《遗忘之城》:一款值得深度探索的神作 在AVG游戏领域,《遗忘之城》(The Forgotten City)凭借卓越的9/10综合评价,稳稳地跻身于《艾迪芬奇的记忆》和《议会》等经典之作的行列。游戏以其独特的场景设计和创新的时间循环机制,为玩家带来无尽的探索乐趣,剧情推进得当,紧凑而有序。制作团队虽小而精干...
The Forgotten City遗忘之城 制作:Modern Storyteller 发行:Dear Villagers 创意:Nick Pearce 时间:2021.07 评价:优秀/80 -The many shall Suffer for the sins of One. “遗忘之城”的原型出自“上古卷轴5”在2015年备受好评的一支MOD,然后原作者三人成立了新的制作组经过四年的开发,用虚幻4引擎高清重制后作为独...