Welcome to The Forest The Forest is a dangerous place, do you think you have what it takes to survive? Read more > Welcome to The Forest Wiki This is a wiki about the new survival horror game called The Forest by End Night Games Ltd. The Forest is an open world survival horror game...
Rabbits are small passive animals that were added in update v0.01 to The Forest. Rabbits can be found almost everywhere in The Forest, and can usually be killed with one hit using any type of weapon. Once dead, the rabbit can be harvested for one rabbit
The Bow that is Crafted is a ranged weapon that was added in update v0.05 to The Forest. The Bow that is Crafted shoots arrows, it does not have a cross hair or a zoom feature. When holding down the attack-button, the player will stretch the bow and aim
This is a list of creatures that are currently found in the The Forest. Cannibals Regular Cannibals Pale Cannibals Pale Skinny Cannibals Fire Thrower Cannibals Skinny Cannibals Painted Cannibals Masked Cannibals Masked Skinny Cannibals Mutants Armsy (the
Forestsin the world ofArdawere wondrous and alive with many strange forms of life; even trees that were sentient, such asEntsandHuorns. In some ways, they could at times be dangerous. Forests corrupted by the dark forces (such asMirkwood) were even more dangerous and perilous, and contained...
Here's a compilation of all officially released patch notes and information about the different versions of The Forest since it was released. The most recent alpha build is V1.12 - VR and the most recent major update is v1.12 - VR. If you are looking to
A Small Effigy is the lower costing effigy that was added in update v0.01 of The Forest. It is the cheaper effigy that the player can build, it only requires 3 dead cannibals. It consists in a K-shaped structure of sticks with three heads impaled on one of the upper sticks, three ...
For buildings, we’ve added two types of ziplines – one that can be attached tree to tree, or tree to ground and another more complicated version that works by placing two large gates apart from each other, with the rope being procedurally created between them. ...
The Stick Marker is construction that can be placed on most surfaces when placed down a colored flag which can be changed by walking up to the stick marker and pressing R will appear on the HUD. It requires 3 rocks 2 sticks and 1 cloth
Luggage of the deceased plane passengers. Suitcases are scattered around the Plane Wreckage mainly. Some can be found around the beach near the sailing boat and randomly in other locations. You can access what's inside by hitting it with a weapon. Note: