but the introduction of agriculture. This meant that theforest (Q40)that had once covered all the island, and that had provided a perfect home for the dodo, was cut down so that crops such as sugar could be grown. So although the dodo had survived...
对应原文:Now scientists believe that this reduced frequency of bushfires to low levels has led to what’s known as ‘dryrainforest’ 答案解析:在连续两道稍有难度的题目之后,38题就简单许多。直接根据rainforest即可确定dry为正确答案。 第39题答案:simple 对应原文:unlike tropical rainforest which is a...
【完全新手指引】4.存档位置 C:Users\用户名\AppData\LocalLow\SKS\TheForest\Steam64位ID\多人(单人存档)如果是把存档给好友只需要将steam64位id文件夹目录下的mult开头(多人存档)文件夹里的slot文件给好友(slot就是你在游戏中存档位置) 【完全新手指引】5.六项隐藏成就 你应该找蒂米→建造一个凉亭 坏爸爸→...
Pearson Assessments Our internationally recognized assessments enable you to demonstrate your knowledge, from school through to work. Visit assessments Pearson Languages Everyone should have the confidence to be themselves in any language. We’re here to support you on that journey. Visit languages...
[Enter JAQUES and Lords, in the habit of Foresters.]查看中文翻译JAQUES: Which is he that killed the deer?查看中文翻译LORD: Sir, it was I.查看中文翻译JAQUES: Let's present him to the duke, like a Roman conqueror; and it would do well to set the deer's horns upon his head for a ...
4、此列表命令不需要控制台即可输入(不懂的参考2) Rawmeatmode-实现永久死亡,当玩家死亡时,游戏存档将被清除。若要禁用,请再次键入代码 veganmode-敌人只会出现在洞穴 vegetarianmode-敌人只在夜间出现 woodpaste-重置所有由地板空和起重机产生的洞 5、此列表命令需要激活控制台以后进游戏按F1输入。
所属专辑:The Wizard of Oz《绿野仙踪》原版童声(附文稿) 声音简介 Chapter 4 The Road Through the Forest AFTER a few hours the road began to be rough,and the walking grew so difficult that the Scarecrow often stumbled over theyellow bricks, which were here very uneven. Sometimes, indeed, they...
森林怎么获得武器代码..炸弹 additem 29 spawnitem 29 removeitem 29 武器小石子 additem 82 spawnitem 82 removeitem 82 武器箭 additem 83
Flintlock枪第4部分 additem 235 spawnitem 235 removeitem 235 武器Flintlock枪第5部分 additem 236 spawnitem 236 removeitem 236 武器Flintlock枪第6部分 additem 237 spawnitem 237 removeitem 237 武器Flintlock Gun Part 7 additem 238 spawnitem 238 removeitem 238 武器链锯additem 261 spawnitem 261 remove...