utgrass 10 减除你半径十米以内的草等等(10可以是任意数,太大就等着烧显卡吧) showgamestats 显示游戏的统计数据,如建筑等 pmactivestatelabels on pmactivestatelabelsoff 显示/关闭当前敌人和动物的行为 切换游戏模式的命令 setdifficultymode peaceful 变难度为和平模式 setdifficultymode normal 变难度为正常模式 set...
你可以从Steam主界面中的库-工具中搜索并下载The Forest Dedicated Server安装。如果你想在不登录Steam账号的情况下启动专用服务器,可以下载SteamCMD。注意:l 如果从Steam启动专用服务器后,在游戏里的互联网服务器列表中仍然找不到你的服务器,那么尝试到专用服务器的文件夹中找到相关可执行文件或用它的快捷方式直接...
and exit the game. It will save the current progress in the multiplayer folder. Then go to the Sons of the Forest folder in your friend’s PC (location is listed above), then go to the multiplayer folder. As you are there, delete the latest progress folder and replace...
【森林之子】Sons of the Forest 2023.06.24更新笔记【步枪,高尔夫球车等】【粗翻】 贵贵の麦旋风 2023年06月24日 01:45 关注 【该更新笔记由机翻后由个人粗略修正,现在应该更容易看懂】 大家好 这个补丁增加了一个新的BOSS战和一个新的游戏结束场景,以及可驾驶的高尔夫球车,在一个山洞里可以找到一把步枪,...
Save The Forest PC Game Description The forests are full of garbage! Let’s see the valley where you live – completely covered by them. This will eventually allow you to hunker down, grab the bin liner, and challenge your area – explore it and admire how the view changes when you pay...
The Forest Game Free Download Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. The Forest is a build, explore, survive in this terrifying first person survival horror simulator..
Fixed crash clearing not removing trees on loading a save game (fixing issue where trees would sometimes block exit from plane or from home you’ve built near crash site)Fixed bug that caused inventory to stay up when dying while in inventoryFixed bug that allowed players to craft items for...
Archer Forestis simple on the surface, but there are alotof systems in play here. And while it’s easy to pick up the game and see some progress without guidance, you may run into problems such as “which upgrades should I invest in” or “where do I get more of X”. If you’r...