“我在茂兰已经有30多个年头咯!”当记者见到已经年逾六十,但依然神采奕奕的熊志斌,他正说着一口地道黔南方言,与身旁的森林巡防员有说有笑地唠嗑家常。“I've been in Maolan for over 30 years!" Despite being in his sixties, Xiong Zhibin spoke with youthful energy, chatting with the forest patro...
A national forest park that hiking enthusiasts cannot miss - Lushan, which is the fourth highest peak in Shandong province. The Lushan Forest Scenic Area in Shandong Province boasts towering mountains, crisscrossing ravines, waterfalls and springs, and dense forests. It has unique scenic resources ...
A national forest park that hiking enthusiasts cannot miss - Lushan, which is the fourth highest peak in Shandong province. The Lushan Forest Scenicareain Shandong Province boasts towering mountains, crisscrossing ravines, waterfalls and springs, and dense forests. It has unique scenic resources and...
A rainforest is an area (cover) by tall trees with the total high rainfall spreading quite equally through the year. Rainforests have a great effect the world environment because they can take in heat from the sun and adjust the climate. Without the forest cover, these areas would reflect ...
Forest Utilization in the Highland Forest Area of South Western EthiopiaIto, Yoshimasa
China ranks first globally in the land area of planted forests and forest coverage growth, contributing one-fourth of the world's new forest area in the past decade. The secret behind the rapid growth of China's green landscape lies in its large-scale greening campaign, including conserving ex...
High ES losses (NLoss > 0.9) were mainly localised on the southern slopes of Vesuvius, accounting for 10.0% (385.12 ha) of the total forest surface area (including unburnt forests). These high ES losses were chiefly detected in highly burnt conifer forests, in which the monetary losses ...
The genusAdansonia, better known as the baobabs and ‘mother of the forest’1, has captivated botanists, tourists, naturalists and passers-by for centuries. Probably the earliest record of humans marvelling at these amazing trees can be traced back to the Ancient Egyptians, around 2,300 bc...
冷水河国家森林公园总面积达2110.81公顷(Covering an area of 2110.81 hectares),包括冷水河和石仓两大片区,地处乌蒙山脉东麓的黔西北高原,向中山丘陵过渡的斜坡地带。这里属亚热带湿润季风气候,植被茂密,森林覆盖率高达82.9%(With a subtropical humid monsoon climate and a forest coverage rate of 82.9%),是天然...
The wide balcony brings the interior and the landscape closer, becoming the connection point of warm temperament and grand spirit. Living high and looking far, it is a forest of tall buildings inlaid with the sky, and it is also a vast white cloud, heaven and earth. ...