“The Force is strong with this one.” 正在进行中的北京冬奥会花滑男单短节目比赛里,法国运动员Adam Siao Him Fa(亚当·萧因法)打扮成安纳金·天行者配合《星球大战》背景音乐完成比赛,目前亚当以86.74分排在第7位。一起来看看完整过程吧(低清视频:O网页链接) O网页链接 û收藏 430 9 ñ515 评论...
I Sense That the Force Is Strong with This One. Revealed, the WPC Who Became a Jedi Warrior
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Everyone knows cats rule the internet. This just proves the point. YoutuberPasdidéewrangled up their pet cats in order to performa great service to the galaxy, by recreating on ofStar Wars's most iconic scene, shot for shot. The two precious felines, with some help from their human, ...
The police force got the word through informers, through police on the Family payroll, that McCluskey had been a rogue cop. Not that he had taken money or clean graft, there was no rank-and-file onus to that. But that he had taken the dirtiest of dirty money; murder and drugs money...
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The Force will be with you, always It's been a great honor and a life changing experience leading the guild for the past 10 years. It was all made possible with the hard work and dedication of our incredible officers. Thank you to each and every one of you across the years for steppi...
Its controls are labelled “I”, “II”, “III” and “Force” VVco Pedals Dark Father. Credits: VVco Pedals Official Website By Eli Ordonez September 01, 2022 Want more Guitar.com breaking news as it happens? Follow us on Telegram. The latest offering from SoCal-based VVco Pedals...
The Force is Strong with This One!!! <图片8>观看《原力觉醒》的全程我的脸上没有一刻不是挂着满足的微笑的。而当完结字幕出现,我不禁流下了一两滴感动的眼泪。我周围全都是跟我一样一天之内经历了马拉松从第一部一直看到第七部已经连续作战22小时的观众,无论是死忠星战迷,还是由爸爸带进电影院第一次看...
so dont you bring me so dont call me with so dry so each other so easily ah so easily evade so every one can see so every penny charge so every time shampoo so everybodyeverywher so excellent deployme so fan bingbing in so far away from home so far i still know w so far is new...