The following query finds books written by more authors than the id of the book:Copy SELECT * FROM docs WHERE xCol.exist('/book [count(author) > sql:column("id")]') = 1 Using the nodes()-value() CombinationThe nodes() method generates a rowset of internal node references that ...
You can summarize the whole table, for example, by counting the number of results using the following query:Run the queryYou can also summarize data into groups of similar types of events by specifying the way you want to group the aggregation. For example, to count ...
generates the following SQL query: [ {} ] """, criteriaQuery.unwrap(org.hibernate.query.Query.class).getQueryString(), sql ); When running the above test case, we get the following SQL query: - The Criteria API, compiledtothis JPQL query: [ select pc from PostCommentaspc innerjoin pc....
To create a pie chart that displays the number of errors and exceptions logged by your application, run the following query: SQL Copy AppPlatformLogsforSpring | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) | where Log contains "error" or Log contains "exception" | summarize count_per_app = count() by...
Inside the request, prepend the request body with a blank line and do one of the following: Type the request body in place: // The request body is provided in placePOST{"key":"value","list...
This sample ATOM feed represents the results of the following query.XML Copy'Sheet1!F1')?$format=atom <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <entry xml:base="
As an outcome of master planning which has identified a demand that requires a purchase. This process generates planned purchase orders, and when these are released, purchase orders are generated. Through the processing of purchase requisitions that result in procurement. ...
Run a query to see the nodes in the cluster: SELECT * FROM system.runtime.nodes; In the sample configuration, the Hive connector is mounted in thehivecatalog, so you can run the following queries to show the tables in the Hive databasedefault: ...
named routes. Named routes allow you to generate URLs without being coupled to the actual URL defined on the route. Therefore, if the route's URL changes, no changes need to be made to yourroutefunction calls. For example, imagine your application contains a route defined like the following...
In this command, <name_to_query> is the IP address, computer name, or domain to query. This parameter is required. [options] are the optional parameters. PortQry parameters for command-line mode The following parameters are available in regular command-line mode: ...