Your claim might be fallacious if you can’t support it with a relevant fact, statistic, or finding. Illogical claims are perfectly fine in personal essays and any other kind of writing where you’re exploring your personal feelings or a fictional world, but in apersuasive essayor any other ...
Now it is clearly not sufficient to claim that these are just not arguments. They seem, after all, clearly to be arguments. Assuming we are right about these cases, it seems that we must have a theory for approaching cases where arguments maintain agreements well or not. That is so say,...
“This guy is a certified dietitian, so if he says that this diet is effective then he might be right.” (This argument doesn’t contain an appeal to authority, since it doesn’t claim that the authority figure must be right, and also doesn’t contain an appeal to false authority, sin...
To claim that something that is perceived as ‘natural’ is good.This type of argument has the following basic structure: “X is natural (and natural is good), so therefore X is good”. To claim that something that is perceived as ‘unnatural’ is bad.This type of argument has the foll...
Start-up companies such as EnPower and Addionics are also in the process of scaling and commercializing their proprietary electrode designs. These companies claim their products would enable the development of simultaneous high-power and energy devices. However, Addionics is yet to start large-scale ...
When pivoting to a positive statement doesn’t fit into the discussion you’re having, another strategy for revising an ad hominem claim is refocusing your argument on relevant facts. For example, you might make this argument: “In each of the past three years my opponent has served as treas...
claim could be made with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine” or there was some amazing scientific argument for a once-in-a-lifetime theoretical certainty concerning the long-term safety of this “vaccine.” The latter would be so extraordinary that it might (for all I ...
Other areas to scrutinize when you suspect a statement might be fallacious are the vagueness of the claims being made or terms that have been left purposely undefined. For example, when President Bill Clinton claimed not to have had "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky, he was referring to ...
What I find interesting in these NDE studies and children who claim to remember their past lives and some psi research, is that using the scientific method, or scientific methods, which do not assume any metaphysical assumptions about soul or anything else but material world and energy information...
; “If he was ugly it would be a felony”. The complicity of the criminal justice system is also implied by the commenters who claim that “Different rules depending on attractiveness” because “if she didn't think he was attractive he'd be in prison now”. Whilst women are the ...