Note that as of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Beta 1, the Entity Framework supports automatic graph serialization. For example, if a parent entity has associated child entities, the parent and its child entities will be serialized. In the sample app, because the OrderManager's ...
At the end of that blog post you’ll find a link to download the beta version, 1.31. The Right Tool for the Job I’m a big believer of using the right tool for the job, and that it’s wasteful to try to squeeze functionality out of the Visual S...
In the .NET Framework 2.0, Microsoft has added features to its System.DirectoryServices and provided two new namespaces: System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory and System.DirectoryServices.Protocols. (We will refer to these as the ActiveDirectory namespace and the Protocols namespace, respectively, thro...
The following will defragment all files under the Windows directory, regardless of where they are located.Copy Contig –s c:\Windows\*.* Applying the –v switch will make the operation verbose, and –q will make it run quietly.Wes Miller is a Development Manager at Pluck (
The schema for WordML is part of the Microsoft Word XML Content Development Kit (CDK) Beta 2, which you can download from MSDN at Microsoft Office 2003 Downloads. The root element of a WordML document is always w:wordDocument. w:wordDocument contains several other elements that represent the...
The value optimizer="Nesterov_momentum" introduces the nuisance/fixed hyperparameters {learning_rate, momentum}, but the value optimizer="Adam" introduces the nuisance/fixed hyperparameters {learning_rate, beta1, beta2, epsilon}. Hyperparameters that are only present for certain values of the ...
We analyzed the resulting signal in the δ (delta), θ (theta), α (alpha), β (beta) and γ (gamma) frequency bands, using a frequency range that spans five octaves (f0 = 2 Hz to f1 = 64 Hz). Simultaneous analysis of all these frequency bands is vital for ...
We'll step through a set of "Microsoft Teams" and "Microsoft Teams (beta)" API calls to retrieve the conversation. Each step of the way, we'll choose a query, run the query, and then select the info from the response that helps us with the next step. We then use this info to ...
d Beta values and their error extracted from simple slope regressions predicting temporal displacement. Dark blue lines = valence 1 SD above the mean valence for all songs; light blue lines = valence 1 SD below the mean valence for all songs. In c, and d, dots represent ...
(2), …, z(T))⊤andβ ∈ [0, 1] is a prescribed parameter. This problem is in a special form of Tikhonov regularization and yields an explicit solution\({W}^{(out)\top }={\left({X}^{\top }X+{\beta }^{2}I\right)}^{-1}{X}^{\top }{{{ z}}}\). Commo...