THE FLYING FINN 宣传片 - 影视/综艺·纪录片 - 运动/极限2.4k播放1.4k人气值 发布时间:2016-06-14 10:49举报 59评论3求下载 投屏new 扫码使用新片场app投屏助力推广 预告片揭开F1赛车手的传奇生活 评论 添加评论 登录或注册,说说你的看法 加载失败,重新加载 本片创作人申请成为联合创作人 Marcos 马克导演关注...
THE FLYING FINN 宣传片 - 影视/综艺·纪录片 - 运动/极限2.4k播放1.4k人气值 发布时间:2016-06-14 10:49举报 59评论3求下载 投屏new 扫码使用新片场app投屏助力推广 预告片揭开F1赛车手的传奇生活 评论 添加评论 登录或注册,说说你的看法 加载失败,重新加载 本片创作人申请成为联合创作人 Marcos 马克导演关注...
Technically he never actually retired from Formula One. The flying Finn simply took a sabbatical at the end of 2001 and has yet to return, so it’s – ahem – entirely plausible that he’d find a drive back in F1 a quarter-century later just like Mr Hayes does. If nothing else, it...
As such there was a sense of palpable anticipation when the original flying Finn’s former team Williams promoted his son Nico to a race seat in 2006 following a prodigious rise through the junior ranks. Although considerably less spectacular than his father in approach, Rosberg junior immedia...
While his domination of teammate Massa in qualifying was the most undeniable in 2016, the Finn beating the Brazilian 17-4, was this more about the veteran's lack of motivation in what was to prove his final year? Then again, while Massa had the stronger start to the season, scoring 32 ...
The Finn telling reporters that the Mexican should be "punched in the face". At season end, McLaren was fifth overall, almost 200 points down on fourth placed Lotus. Indeed, having been trailing behind Force India for much of the first half of the season, the Woking team should be ...
FlyingFinn 22-09-3 12:21 发布于 荷兰 来自 F1超话 Goeiemorgen!Driving into the race Saturday like...观众朋友们早上好啊!拿走当壁纸吧! F1超话#f1荷兰大奖赛# 📷#QianJunMotorsportMedia# 2荷兰 û收藏 2 6 ñ48 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载...
他的麦克拉伦岁月留给人们印象更多的,或许是频繁的机械故障:爆缸,爆胎,尾翼脱落,悬挂断裂,液压故障,变速箱故障……伴随着另一个“Flying Finn”,当家车手基米·莱科宁这一串长长的退赛纪录,围场内“纽维江郎才尽”的质疑甚嚣尘上。 而2003年那个卧薪尝胆耗时漫长,采用了无数激进创新,凝聚了无数工程师心血,被所有...
A moment of silence, for the late F1 great, as he smiles upon us, from behind Heaven’s gate while imagine him flying towards the flag along the pit straight. He was the ultimate master of this Motorsport game, competing only to win and not for fame…his spirit shall live on… Ayrton...
but with Bottas finishing in the top 10, there were signs that the Alfa Romeo had decent pace here. But surprisingly, the Finn was eliminated at the first time of asking, unable to extract that pace on his final flying run in Q1. Zhou’s lack of lap time also ...