Gifstory Free - Make and Share GIFs on the Fly你可能也会喜欢 Irregular Photo Collage 摄影与录像 CyberGlitch: Glitch Art Studio Dramatique 摄影与录像 Video Caption - Subtitle Maker
Description GIfstory Free is a fun and easy way to transform everyday lively moments into animated GIFs and share them via messengers and social media. * Capture the vibrant bits of life with Gifstory to create immersive animations up to 4 sec in length ...
“live gifing,” grabbing gifs from events like the oscars, kobe bryant’s last game, the tribeca film festival red carpet and spitting them out before the evening is done. it’s a skill, like many others, they’ve had to learn on the fly. “two summers ago we were doing one of ...
Get Stop Motion Studio, the world’s easiest app to get you into stop motion moviemaking today! Want to create movies like Wallace and Gromit or those groovy Le…
Fork of JPEGView by David Kleiner - fast and highly configurable viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images with a minimal GUI. Basic on-the-fly image processing is provided - allowing adjusting typical parameters as sharpness, col