2024年英国地铺展 The Flooring Show 【展会名称】英国国际地面铺装展览会 The Flooring Show 【展会时间】2024年9月15-17日 【展会地点】哈罗盖特会议中心 HARROGATE INTERNATIONAL CENTER (HIC)【展会主办方】Harlogg International Exhibition 【组展单位】新天会展机构 展会简介 一年一届的英国国际地面铺装展是英国最...
综上所述,英国哈罗盖特地铺展览会(THE FLOORING SHOW)是地面材料行业中具有重要影响力的专业展览会之一。它不仅是展示最新技术和产品的平台,也是促进国际交流与合作的重要契机。对于想要拓展英国及欧洲市场的地面材料企业来说,参加THE FLOORING SHOW展会无疑是一个明智的选择。
英国哈罗盖特地面材料展览会 THE FLOORING SHOW将在英国哈罗盖特会议中心举办。在 The Flooring Show 上,您会发现您和国际上最大的品牌汇聚一堂。哈罗盖特会议中心提供从地毯到地板覆盖物的一切产品,是与 250 多家地毯、层压板、LVT、木材、乙烯基、软木、草以及衬垫、粘合剂和工具供应商达成交易的主要目的地。将所...
一年一届的英国哈罗盖特国际地面材料铺装展览会(The Flooring Show)是英国最大的专业地面材料展览盛会。该展会从1962年开始举办,至今已成功举办了56届。作为英国最大的专业地面材料展览会,每届展会都能吸引来自全世界各个国家的顶级供应商参加。参展产品有适合家用和商用的地毯、块毯、复合地板、瓷砖类产品以及木质和其...
The Flooring Show 2020 展会时间:2019年9月15日-17日 展会地点:HARROGATE INTERNATIONAL CENTER (HIC) 主办单位:Ocean Media Group 举办周期:一年一届 国内组团单位:鸿尔国际展览集团 【展会介绍】 一年一届的英国哈罗盖特国际地面铺装展是英国最大的专业地面材料展览盛会。该展会至今已成功举办了56届,每届展会都有...
The most popular species in flooring today are oak, maple, hickory, walnut and cherry. KBIS – The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show 2023 Prevailing combination of design styles to create an updated look and feel with names like "Modern Farmhouse", "Classic Contemporary", "Organic M...
1.FlooringbyMymoun (Themeforest) View theme nowGet hosting Theme Description Flooring has a simple and practical style for a flooring company website. There’s a large slider that fills the screen upon loading the site which you can use to show off your finest work along with a call-to-act...
Made of plaster and designed to look like moon rock, the flooring was underlaid with inflated zig-zagging fireman hoses. As the show progressed, the hoses were deflated in time with the music to create the dramatic crack effect. The show invitation teased what was to come, made from the...
“It’s almost like a pendulum swinging one way,” says Sturtevant, who notes that many people sped up their home purchase when in a more normal timeline would have waited to move until 2023, leading to a phase of fewer deals in the real estate cycle. “We’re sort of recalibrating fro...