Synonyms for holding the field in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for holding the field. 111 synonyms for field: meadow, land, green, lea, pasture, mead, greensward, pitch, park, ground, arena, speciality, line, area, department, environment... What are synony
The meaning of SHOW is to cause or permit to be seen : exhibit. How to use show in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Show.
Define sweetlip. sweetlip synonyms, sweetlip pronunciation, sweetlip translation, English dictionary definition of sweetlip. n any of various Australian fish with large lips Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Ha
nasal cavity - either of the two cavities lying between the floor of the cranium and the roof of the mouth and extending from the face to the pharynx internasal suture, sutura internasalis - the suture between the two nasal bones hooter, schnoz, schnozzle, snoot, snout, nozzle, honker, ...
F. V. Gladkov, I. E. Babel’, I. Il’f and E. Petrov, and V. Aksenov and in works by C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, J. Galsworthy, T. Dreiser, J. D. Salinger, and other British and American writers. The word “slang” is a partial synonym for the terms “argot” and “jargon...
Synonymia often occurs in parallel fashion. The Latin synonym, interpretatio, suggests the expository and rational nature of this figure, while another Greek synonym, congeries, suggests the emotive possibilities of this figure. Rough, hard, stiff, slippery, and shiny—that’s the floor. I ...
then the circle can be indicated by simply scratching a line on the ground. If the meeting is indoors, then it can be marked with a piece of chalk or charcoal, or by laying down a length of cord or actually painting a circle on the floor. Some modern Witches have a circle permanently...
Otherwise you’ll be gored and make a mess on the barn stall floor and, with luck, maybe survive. But what I’m talking about is making a choice between equally bad alternatives that are impinging on your life, and it can be as minor as between spinach and broccoli—if you have to...
Sorry, crypto-moralists, but “addictive” isnota synonym for “yummy”. Cops are sexual predators who specifically target traumatized women. I wish more people understood the power of legal precedent this well. Cops, Lovecraft, Herschel Savage, Suzanne Somers, and much more. ...
The circles on the floor of Roku's Sanctuary contain the characters for various celestial events: 春分, the Spring Equinox; 夏至, the summer solstice; 秋分, the Autumn Equinox; and 冬至, the winter solstice. These are all part of the traditional East Asian calendar....