When attempting to start the license server on Network License Manager (aka LMTOOLS), the following error message appears: VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log. If you inspect the debug...
If you have FLEXnet licenses from other vendors, check that they are not using the same port number. The port number is found on the SERVER line of the license file. If there is a conflict, change the port number in one of the license files, and...
C:\ProgramData\FLEXNet Note: The ProgramData folder is hidden by default. Refer toMicrosoft: View hidden files and folders in Windowsfor instructions on viewing hidden folders. Location of the trusted storage on a UNIX/Linux machine for concurrent-use: /usr/local/share/macrovision/storage Either r...
The attached script file assumes that the license file is named adsk_server.lic and located in /usr/local/flexnetserver folder. It also assumes the log file is named adsk_nlm_debug.log and placed in /usr/local/flexnetserver/ folder. adsknlm.zip Report 1 Like Reply M...
they will be forwarded as per the configuration. The only exception is thehops_minvalue which can be specified on a per link basis. Seehops_minfor further details. When a negative number or zero is used here, this protocol message is suppressed by CLX and never transmitted. This way, some...
This is where SoftGrid excels. And if you were to use SoftGrid as a complement to your ESD tool, you could “have your cake and eat it too.” SoftGrid manages and distributes troublesome applications while you leverage your ESD solution to handle the management and configuration of the opera...
FLEXnet Licensing error:-1,359. System Error: 2 "No such file or directory" We can ping E5-CHE-ANSYSLIC from the cluster so the error that it cannot connect to the license server is puzzling. It looks like the cluster is trying to find the license file in its old location on the Li...
When attempting to start the license server on Network License Manager (aka LMTOOLS), the following error message appears: VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log. If you inspect the debug log ...