In the limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths, the good Luthor of Earth-Three has a son named Alexander Luthor. He appears again as a major villain in Infinite Crisis. In Lex's dream, Clark is a reporter, like the secret alias of Superman. Chloe remarks that Clark "run[s] faster ...
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths Part One Jun 05, 2024 Justice Society: WWII Dec 05, 2024 Kick Ass May 30, 2012 Kick-Ass 2 Aug 29, 2013 Kidnap Oct 05, 2017 Kids Jul 02, 2013 Kill Bill Volume 2 May 26, 2004 The Killer (2023) Dec 12, 2023 Killer Elite Apr ...
What "Crisis on Infinite Earths" means for Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is the Arrowverse's biggest (and saddest) change toThe Flash, and it's one that can't be walked back. Limiting the Arrowverse to one Earth has permanently alteredThe Flash's approach to Tom Cavanagh's Harrison Wells...
The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace reveals that they had another Crisis on Infinite Earths-level Arrowverse crossover in mind that never happened.The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace opens up on the Crisis on Infinite Earths-level Arrowverse crossover that almost happened. As of this year, Greg Berlant...
Crisis on Infinite Earths ends with a big tease for the future of the Arrowverse, introducing the newly reborn Earth-Prime's version of the Justice League, simply known as “The League.” The expectation was that Arrowverse fans would see more epic team-ups between Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman...
The World's Finestand all original content relating to this site is property of The World's Finest. Do not remove any images without permission. Simply, we put a lot of time into The World's Finest and do not appreciate our work being stolen and reused without permission. All you need ...
He would go on to voice Batman in nearly every animated DC project that featured the hero, and even got to play him in live action during the CW's adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths in 2019. Outside of animation, Conroy went on to voice Batman in multiple video games, including Ro...
But if these habitable “New Earths” like Proxima B are 4.2 light years away and more, how can we possibly get there in a relatively safe and reasonable time? And does humanity truly grasp the reality of how very grim our survival and future of our children, grandchildren, and descendants...
and future is another way this movie borrows fromThe Flash'sstrengths. Despite the trajectory being a bit different,Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Onealso highlights the large role Barry has in this story, which was also a crucial part of theCrisis on Infinite Earthscrossove...
This Crisis On Infinite Earths article contains spoilers for "Part One" and "Part Two."The Arrowverse has lots of synonyms for "hero" these days. The most recent is "Paragon."What is a Paragon? In the context of the on-screen Crisis, the Paragons are the seven superheroes, "beings of...