The Flash showrunner Eric Wallace opens up on the Crisis on Infinite Earths-level Arrowverse crossover that almost happened. As of this year, Greg Berlanti's Arrowverse franchise has come to an end as The Flash season 9 wrapped its run. The Flash was officially the final remaining Earth-Prime...
This Crisis On Infinite Earths article contains spoilers for "Part One" and "Part Two."The Arrowverse has lots of synonyms for "hero" these days. The most recent is "Paragon."What is a Paragon? In the context of the on-screen Crisis, the Paragons are the seven superheroes, "beings of...
Discovery Home Entertainment has released a special teaser trailer for Read More The World’s Finest Reviews “Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Two” Animated MoviesBlu-ray/DVD/DigitalDC Universe Animated Original MovieJustice League (General Brand)Justice League: Crisis on Infinite ...
The Editing Room has been around since 1998 and features over 1,000 Abridged Scripts for movies. Abridged Scripts are short(-ish) screenplays for films that just cover the highlights. They're like Cliff's Notes for your favorite movies, except Cliff thin
Crisis on Infinite Earths ends with a big tease for the future of the Arrowverse, introducing the newly reborn Earth-Prime's version of the Justice League, simply known as “The League.” The expectation was that Arrowverse fans would see more epic team-ups between Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman...
Wow. If each of these electron-positron dipoles create energy, and they are nested within each other like Russian dolls all over the universe, then there must be an infinite amount of energy within the zero point field. Moreover, physicist Bearden is telling us that the quantum vacuum is a...
Review: Alien Earths Astronomers have discovered thousands of exoplanets over the last three decades, a remarkable menagerie of worlds. Jeff Foust reviews a book by one scientists that describes the efforts to both search for exoplanets and look for one that may be inhabitable or inhabited.Monday,...
the Crisis. Thanks to "Crisis on Infinite Earths",The Flashwill no longer be able to swap out its Harrison Wells character with a new version at the end of the season, so if Nash dies or decides not to stick around for season 7, Tom Cavanagh could be gone from the series for good....
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9 Things to Remember About 'Crisis on Infinite Earths' Before the Final 2 Episodes (PHOTOS) It all began withSupergirlon Sunday, December 8, before continuing onBatwomanon Monday, December 9 andThe Flashon Tuesday, December 10. And now fans just have to wait for the final two hours,Arrow...