Speed Force:And so is the crystal. It'll chose another victim and attack Barry... [fades in and out] Speed Force:I can't help him anymore. Only you can. Cecile Horton:How? Speed Force:You have to find a way. If Barry dies and the Speed Force is extinguished, then this timeline ...
If Barry dies and the Speed Force is extinguished, 那么这条时间线里的一切 都会被永远地抹去 then this timeline and everything in it will be erased forever. 喔 好了 大家 Whoo! All right, party people! 结束了 That's a wrap. 克罗纳赫 不再是君主了 ...
它会再选择一位受害者 然后攻击巴里的-- Itll choose another victim and attack Barry-- 我帮不了他了 I cant help him anymore. 只有你们能了 Only you can. 怎么做? How? 你们得找到一个办法 You have to find a way. 要是巴里死了 神速力也会跟着破灭 If Barry dies and the Speed Force is ...
Released: 1997 Directed by: Barry Sonnenfeld Dig Deeper 15 Behind-The-Scenes Stories From The Making Of 'Men in Black' Also ranks #16 on The Biggest Movies Of The '90s, Ranked Also ranks #1 on The Dumbest Technology In Science Fiction 16 RoboCop Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Ronny Cox 2,...
Teenage Barry: [upset] Look, I was just doing my laundry- You were the one that came and told me that I'm a superhero, and now you're saying what you don't want me to be? Well, guess what! It's too late! I! AM!... The Flash. And I can save everyone! NOBODY DIES! Bar...
Dark Flash confirms that the only way for him to save his mother and the world is for our Barry to die, but before he can complete this task, young Barry steps in to take the brunt of the attack and consequently dies. This selfless act also causes Dark Flash to disappear because his...
Story Found In: The Flash #74-79 For years, the Flash has been the superhero identity of Wally West, but before he was the Flash, he was Kid Flash to Barry Allen's fastest man alive. Sadly, Barry gave his life during the "Crisis on Infinite Earths," but like most comic book charac...
Ialwayswin,Flash! Eddie! Eddie'shisancestor.IfEddiedies, he'llneverbeborn. He'sbeingerasedfromexistence. Thesingularitywon'tstop, notevenaftertheEarthisgone. Wehavetodisruptthemotion. Itcannotbestopped! Ihavetotry. -He'scomingbackaround!-Yeah,todie!
听起来我们 现在真的很需要闪电侠 Sounds to me like we could really use the Flash right about now. 伙计们 能听到我说话吗? Guys, can you hear me? 巴里 Barry! 谢天谢地你出来了 Oh, thank God you got out of there. 勉强而已 Barely. 我在回医院的路上 Im on my way back to the ...
t matter when casting comic book characters in live-action adaptations given how different the two mediums can be. But even when films and shows have cast actors for the role of the Flash before, the actors have all been white, Caucasian males as opposed to Barry Allen’s blonde, blue-...