近期Barry Allen迷上了由有远见的科学家Harrison Wells及其S.T.A.R.实验室团队开发的粒子加速器,其功能指对能量及医学界都会有飞跃的进步;然而在公开亮相当日(Barry Allen这角色先前曾在《绿箭侠 Arrow》里出场,于《绿箭侠》事情快完结时回去了中心城,亦为公开亮相当日),粒子加速器爆炸并引起了一股风暴,不少人...
I won't leave my son without a dad again!好吗?Okay?你明白了吗?You got that?我希望我能告诉你一些更好的事情,巴里I wish I had something 46、better to tell you, Barry.但是伯奇没有能自圆其说But Birch just doesn't have the pieces that you need需要的线索to build a strong defense.而...
内容提示: 《闪电侠 第二季 The Flash (2015)第 9 集》英中字幕 文档号�HLDOC20151215004 创建时间�12/15/2015 10:48:02 AM 欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档� �第 1 / 21 页� My name is Barry Allen, 我叫巴里·艾伦 and I am the fastest man alive. 是现今世上速度最快的人 To the...
《闪电侠第四季TheFlash(2017)第4-6集》英中字幕 文档号:HLDOC20171122004创建时间:11/22/20172:57:44PM欢迎通过豆丁站内私信定制文档!(第2/69页) 第4集 MynameisBarryAllen,我叫巴里·艾伦 andIamthefastestmanalive.是现今世上速度最快的人 Totheoutsideworld,在外人看来 ...
巴里! Barry! 乔爷爷消失了 Grandpa Joes gone. 刷子也是如此 And so is the brush. 爸爸,你还好吗? Dad, are you okay? 诺拉,时空流... Nora, the temporal stream... 我可以感觉到 I can feel 纯粹的静滞力能量在我体内流动 the pure Still Force energy moving through me. 我可以同时看到过去、...
Barry Allen:For me. Iris West-Allen:Yeah, I guess I kinda did. Nora West-Allen:What was going through your mind? Iris West-Allen:"Uh, please, God, don't let me drop this key." Nora West-Allen:I mean, weren't you afraid? You're not a speedster. ...
TheFlashS01E07 闪电侠第一季第七集 MynameisBarryAllen,andIamthefastestmanalive. 我叫巴里·艾伦是现今世上速度最快的人 WhenIwasachild,Isawmymother 我年幼时看到自己的母亲 bysomethingimpossible. 被令人难以置信的东西杀害 Run,Barry,run! 快跑巴里 Myfatherwenttoprisonforhermurder. 我父亲因为谋杀母亲进了监狱...
Needourhelp,Flash? 需要我们帮忙吗闪电侠 Nah.WhenI'mdonewiththisfool,hemight. 不用等我打败这个蠢蛋他可能会需要 Whathaveyougotagainstmycity? 你要对我的城市怎么样 Thecity'sjustfine. 城市没事 It'sthepeopleinitwhoneedtobeeducated. 是城市里的人需要被教育 ...
After bringing some welcomed levity to Justice League, Ezra Miller's Barry "The Flash" Allen has his own solo adventure. It's unapologetically stupid and plot-holed. But hey, the studio uses it as a means to not-so-casually flaunt the other DC movies they've got streaming on Max. Is...
闪电侠 There can only be one God of Speed, Flash! 这不像你计划的那样成功,闪电侠 This didnt work out like you planned, Flash. 现在猜猜接下来会发生什么? Now guess what comes next? 你要死了 Tag, youre dead. 爸爸! Dad! 巴特! Bart! 我知道我说了什么,我知道我说了什么 I know what I...