I know, this is the eternal argument. Some cannot abide housing that isn’t in the physical world, that doesn’t take up space by itself, andEQIIopted for instanced housing. But instanced housing means scarcity and location aren’t factors the way they are in those titles where each hous...
Of course,WoWalso ran into one of the problems with PvP in a heavily PvE game, that of gear and ability balance between the two. It is really cool that the rogue in your dungeon group or raid can crowd control an off-mob with a stun lock, but I don’t know anybody who likes havi...
Over at Massively OP they had a daily grind question aboutwhich MMO housing was the most “usefless.”That elicited a lot of opinions, many of which with I agree, and evenanother blogger response, but I still felt like there was some cross purposes in some answers, because “useless” i...
When Desert of Flames came out, flying carpets were added to the dock areas of Qeynos and Freeport that would wisk you away to the new lands. When Kingdom of the Sky came out… I have no idea what happened initially, but I am told there are spires that run on a timer ala EQ that...
So the die has been cast and Blintz is digging into the Desert of Flames. This isn’t the first time I have been in DoF, though it was the first time I had been into the Living Tombs. Of course, we had to get in and mix it up with the locals. ...
All that discovery experience was good enough to get him past 40 AA points as well. I cannot imagine that the pace will continue to be so brisk. Still, going from a character I rolled just to get a screen shot to my second highest level character ever in EQ2 has been quite a heady ...
but I am kind of an old dog now so new tricks do not come easy. I won’t say I didn’t learn anything… we all learn little things every day, even if we don’t always notice… but I cannot come up with any sort of big, sweeping lesson of Blaugust that I haven’t covered bef...
It seems unlikely that I will catch up, but I am still excited about the new expansion. I look forward to more details. Let’s just hope Turbine can stay away from the crazy mounts addiction that SOE has. It turns out that25% of EQ2’s revenue is from mounts, so they are never go...
I needed to go to Nagafen’s Lair, which is at the very end of the dungeon… and this is a big dungeon. But getting down to the bottom started simply enough, largely because I still have the EQ2 Maps addon installed, so it was a matter of finding the arrows that led to ramps or...