Even in endgame raids FF has a way slower CPM than the average WoW class does. The fastest job in FF comes close to the slowest class in WoW while other classes in WoW double or triple the CPM of FF jobs. wtf, which class has ~90-120CPM outside of Torghast with 200% haste or ...
Imagine thinking its something to mock when people would rather just enjoy a boss fight without sinking 3 hours of your day into a run. yes but thats because Sqare designs FF14 around casual crowd not around mythic tryhards. thats why FF14 is so much bigger atm th...
分享9赞 ff14吧 13113436482 【搬运+翻译】Letters from the Producer,VI~LVI我觉得这里说到的德国和法国的本土化员工应该是从子公司委派到东京工作的,ff14国际服有4种语言,其中就包括了德语和法语,官网也有4种语言,虽然他们在日本东京工作,而不是在自己国家,但还是做着使ff14“本土化”的工作(感觉主要是翻译....
abomination:war3 中的憎恶。abominate痛恨,憎恶。 分享102 厄休拉勒奎恩吧 隆巴顿男爵Ω 【地海】《真名之道》The Rule of Names这篇的名字叫做“The Rule of Names ”,发表于1964年,后来又收录在《 The Wind's Twelve Quarters》这本集子里。这一篇和 "The Word of Unbinding"被认为是地海世界的奠基之作...
The cattleman, out this early to catch the south-bound for his ranch11 station, stopped at the side of the distressed12 patron of sport, and spoke13 in the kindly14 drawl of his ilk and region, "Got it pretty bad, bud?" "Cricket" McGuire, ex-feather-weight prizefighter, tout15, joc...
分享45赞 inflames吧 in flames 5首歌的歌词翻译事先说明:翻译的不好的话就当这个帖是隐形的 <Dead Alone> I'll always belong to the shadow 我将永远属于阴影 don't show me new results 不要告诉给我新的结果 I'll never enter your heaven 我永远不会进入你的天堂 make the most out of my dirty...