- Holding hands, pat on the shoulder, high five, hugs. Why is knowing Love Languages Important?/ 为何重要? We all experience love differently, so learning Love Languages can help with:identifying the root of conflict learning to give and receive love in better and more meaningful ways. How ...
I love you. I care about you, and I choose to forgive you. Even though my feeling of hurt may linger, I will not allow what has happened to come between us. I hope that we can learn from this experience. You are not a failure because you have failed. You are my spouse, and tog...
The Five Love Languages amore 许多夫妻在恋爱时很幸福,步入婚姻后却争吵不断。其实,婚姻关系在婚后发生变化是常见的,不少夫妻之间都存在情感危机甚至离婚。这是因为每个人都有不同的“爱的语言”,根据自己的想法来表达,而这些不同的观念意味着,当你用自己的方式表达爱时,你的伴侣可能感受不到想要的爱。 作者认...
Lesson 2:The five love languages are the different ways in which we express that we love someone. Most languages have ways beyond words to express yourself. The same goes for love: There are different ways to show it. Here are five Chapman describes: Words of Affirmation. Words of praise ...
Another critique is that the five love languages are not all-encompassing. “There are other ways of experiencing love and care that Dr. Chapman didn’t talk about in his book,” Bobby said. “For many people, emotionally intimate conversations are the most important love language, and Dr. ...
When two people speak different love languages, they can be unhappy because they don’t understand each other. To form strong relationships, we need to understand how we express love and how people we love express their love, too. So, what are the five love languages? 1. Words of ...
#107 The Five Love Languages 爱的五种语言 (上) 6. 爱是提出请求,而非要求 爱是提出请求,而非要求。若我要求我的配偶,我就变成了父亲或母亲,而她则成了孩子。 Love makes requests, not demands. When I demand things from my spouse, I become a parent and she the child. ...
After the wedding:不同的语言的人难以沟通。重要的是love language的了解运用,才能明白对方表达需求的方式。 Romantic obsession:退却之后,生活中不停的琐碎和摩擦。in-love experience给人euphoria,给双方have arrived的感觉,但不带来成长。爱是更深层次的,是明知这些... (展开) 0回应 阿皮...
热恋,书中称为 in-love experience,双方具有如下特点: We are emotionally obsessed with each other. We go to sleep thinking of one another. When we rise, that person is the first thought on our minds. 我们情感上好像着魔了一样,睡前想着对方,醒来的第一个念头也是对方。
作《爱之语》(The Five Love Languages)一书中提出,人们在表达与接受爱时,所偏好的形式各有不同,基本上有五种爱的 … tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于96个网页 2. 爱的五种语言 《爱的五种语言》(the Five Love Languages)就是其中的一本。该书针对美国社会中普遍存在的人际关系(夫妻、恋人、亲… ...