The Five Good Emperors of Rome Nerva Trajan Hadrian Antonius Pius Marcus Aurelius After the Five Good Emperors: Commodus Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions Who ruled after the Five Good Emperors? After the Five Good Emperors, the next Roman empire leader was Commodus, a corrupt leader. Th...
"Good Roman emperors" seems a contradiction in terms! The Five Good Emperors of Rome gained legendary status: Learn about Emperor Nerva, Emperor Trajan, Emperor Hadrian, Emperor Antoninus Pius, and Emperor Marcus Aurelius.
First, the Five Good Emperors brought relative peace and prosperity to Rome. Second, the reign of the Five Good Emperors began the custom of adopting one's heir to the throne, rather than the crown simply going to a biological son or whoever was strong enough to take it. Read Th...
安敦尼王朝(又称五贤帝时代,'five good emperors')的皇位继承是通过上任皇帝收养义子指定继承人来完成的,Nerva在位时年老体弱,而且性格不够刚强,于是他收养了时年40岁的Trajan。Trajan此前是在德国带病的将领,他老雷厉风行,把罗马版图扩张到了最大(第一章所述),可惜的是,关于Trajan的种种记录要么是删节过的版...
Chapter 31 Five “good ” Emperors 212020-06 3 Chapter 30 Life Under the Julio—Claudians 542020-06 4 Chapter29 Fishers of men 282020-06 5 Chapter 28 The coming of christ 352020-06 6 Chapter 27 The Rise and Fall of Julius Caeser 232020-06 7 Chapter 26 Marius and Sulla 602020-06 8 ...
Step into the world of Roman emperors on Explore the lives, reigns, and impact of iconic figures like Julius Caesar, Augustus, Nero, and more. Your ultimate source for Roman history.
还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 The Emperors of Rome The Story of Imperial Rome from Julius Caesar to the Last Emperor的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· U-t-o-p-i-a 2021年1月4日 读过 jumaomao 2018年12月29日...
Ancient Rome - Cult of the emperors: Among the institutions most important in softening the edges of regional differences was the cult of the emperors. In one sense, it originated in the 4th century bc, when Alexander the Great first received veneration
Trajan- Roman Emperor and adoptive son of Nerva; extended the Roman Empire to the east and conducted an extensive program of building (53-117) Marcus Ulpius Traianus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
–Servedashighpriestofthesatereligion,militarycommander,supremejudge,andchiefExecutive –KingwasadvisedbySenate(councilofelders)元老院 –Senatemembersdrawnfromtheleadingfamilies (patricians贵族)–Senatechosetheking’ssuccessorfromamongitsownmemberssubjecttoapprovalbyanassemblyofallmalecitizens •Romereliedonitsown...