In the Theravada Buddhist tradition, the ceremonial taking of the Threefold Refuge (in the Buddhas, Dharma and Sangha) is usually conducted with committing to the Five Precepts (of not killing, stealing, having sexual misconduct, lying and taking intoxicants). However, in the Mahayana Buddhist t...
he wrote,‘Of the Five Precepts, regardless of having received or not having received them, all should strictly uphold them. With the preceding Four Heavy Precepts [四重戒], of abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual
one is considered a Buddhist if one takes the Buddha, the Dhamma(the Teaching), and the Sanga(The Order of Monks)-generally called 'the Triple-Gem'- as one's refuges, 他尚须皈依佛、法、僧──统称三宝, and undertakes to observe the Five Precepts (Panca-sila)-the minimum moral obligatio...
Buddhist Resources on Vegetarianism and Animal Welfare Cloud Hands: Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Qong Cutting the Cat Into One: The Practice of the Bodhisattva Precepts. By the Venerable Anzan Hoshin. 50K. Daily Practice: The Five Precepts4K
智慧法语005: 佛法修行的第一个次第——人法 Wisdom French 005: The first part of buddhist practice - human law (Buddhist practice) The first and second is "human dharma". These are the three refuges and five precepts -- taking refuge in the Three treasures of Buddha, Dharma and Sa...
- Week four: The Five Precepts - Week five: The Burning House - Week six: Anger, grief and gratitude - Week seven: Transforming self and world - Week eight: Be the change Further information For more information on Nonviolent Communication, see ourwhat is NVC?page, theCentre for Nonviolent...
That is, he must at least observe the Five Precepts of the layman. 也就是说,他最低限度 必须能严守居士的五戒。 Third: Sacrificing everything for the good of the people (pariccaga), 第三:为了人民的利益牺牲一切, he must be prepared to give up all personal comfort, mane and fame, an...
“Many are the obstacles which block the road to spiritual progress, but there are five in particular which, under the name of hindrances (nivarana), are often mentioned in Buddhist scriptures.” The Five Mental Hindrances are: 1. Sensual desire ...
The five preceptsare the basis of Buddhist morality. To take Pancha Sila, that is, to vow to live according to the following rules of conduct, is a set of vows a lay-person may take on, to try and live by, to the best of their understanding. So here goes: Pancha ( = five ) Si...
Buddhist Quote for the day 越固执的人越容易受伤 达照法师 别让心太固执 佛在菩提树下开悟的时候说:“一切众生皆有如来智慧德相,但以妄想、执着而不能证得。”也就是说我们在这个世界上,不管你在轮回当中出现的问题、毛病有多少,善恶、烦恼有多少,关键的错误就是两个:一个是我执;一个是因为我执产生的...