Abhiram was a humble fisherman who lived with his wife in a small hut near the sea. Every day, he would cast his net into the waves, hoping to catch enough fish to sustain their simple life. One day, as he pulled his net from the water, he found a shimmering golden fish caught in...
1、 The Fisherman and the Golden Fish 渔夫和金鱼的故事2011-07-21 15:03:14网友评论0条Characters:Narrator,Fisherman, Wife, Golden FishScene 1海边,渔夫在钓鱼Narrator:Once upon a time, a fisherman and his wife lived in a dirty hovel(小屋)close by the sea. Every day he went out fishing. ...
The Fisherman And The Golden Fish(渔夫和他的妻子) 1382022-04 3 The Little Match Girl(卖火柴的小女孩) 1152022-04 4 The Gingerbread Man(姜饼人) 1282022-04 5 The Boy Who Cried Wolf(狼来了) 1382022-04 6 Goldilocks And The Three Bears(三只小熊和金发女孩) 872022-04 7 The Fox And The St...
What can the golden fish do?;Read the story quickly. What can the golden fish do?;;Read again and order the pictures.;;Match the pictures with words.;;What does the golden fish think of the fisherman? What do you think of the fisherman? What will the golden fish do? ;;;Listen and...
1、The Fisherman and the Golden FishThe Fisherman and the Golden Fish渔夫和金鱼渔夫和金鱼小学版 第一级 What can you see? Whats the title? Do you know this story? How much do you remember about this story? What will this story talk about? Who is he? Is he poor or rich? How do you...
L5-17_The Fisherman and the Golden Fish 1002023-12 3 L5-16_We Fly Kites 1312023-12 4 L5-15_Inside a Cave 652023-12 5 L5-14_Nap Time 752023-12 6 L5-13_The Day of the Earthquake 912023-12 7 L5-12_The Big Hike 1152023-12 8 L5-11_The Bike Ride 752023-12 9 L5-10_Mike and ...
The fisherman and the fish 渔夫和金鱼的故事(四年级上册 快乐英语阅读2021版 译林出版社) 英语跟我读 小学版 2023-10-07 06:08 发表于江苏 阅读图文 听读音频 常速慢速跟读视频 ,时长07:31 喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 Monkey King ...
Fisherman:Ah, she wants to live in a great stone castle. 渔夫:啊,她想要一座石头建造的城堡。 Golden Fish:Go to it, then. She is standing before the door. 金鱼:回去吧,她现在正站在城堡门前呢。 Narrator:Then the man went back home. He found a great stone palace, and his wife was just...
1.课程名称:英语阅读与听力理解——TheFishermanandtheFish 2.教学年级和班级:2024-2025学年接力版英语五年级1班 3.授课时间:2024年11月2日,星期三,第2节 4.教学时数:45分钟 核心素 养目标 分析 本节课旨在通过阅读和听力活动,培养学生的英语语言能力、文化意识、思维品质 ...
READER: After the gold fish gone, the fisherman went home. FISHERMAN: My wife! You won’t believe what I saw today! I saw a golden fish that it can talk, and ask me to let it go! And if l do that, it will great me any wish! Wife: So, what you asked for? FISHERMAN: Nothin...