But thousands of years before any Europeans arrived there were still people living in Canada.CanadianAboriginals, also known asNative Canadians, theFirst Nations of Canada,IndigenousCanadians, orCanadianIndians, are the modern-day descendants of the first human inhabitants of North America. ...
1.【答案】 D 【解析】根据后句“T he people of the First Nat ion were there before other people came to Nor th America” (在其他人来到北美之前,第一民族 的人就在那里)可知,此处应填和“the First Nat ion"有关的句子,D项“T hree percent of all Ca nadians are First Nations people"(...
第一民族(the First Nations)指的是加拿大的原住民,即一般人所熟悉的「爱斯基摩人」,由於爱斯基摩人意即「吃生肉的人」… chorusgirl.pixnet.net|基于16个网页 2. 土著人 最早可以追溯到最早居住在此的土著人(the first nations). 这是土著人的标志. 评论 重要提示:警惕虚假中奖信息 岛国宛如仙境 … ...
Labor productivity growth in the United States, Canada, and advanced economies in Western Europe and Asia, has been dismal for almost a generation, hovering around 1% a year. Is this lackluster performance all we can expect for the next generation? It doesn’t have to be, write Chris Bradley...
Countless books and articles have traced the impact of colonialism and public policy on Canada's First Nations, but few have explored the impact of Aboriginal thought on public discourse and policy development in Canada. First Nations, First Thoughts brings together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal ...
1 Canada is home to many cultures. Three percent of all Canadians are First Nations people. The people of the First Nations were there before other people came to North America. Now more than half of Canadians have British or French blood. The rest are from every part of the world: A...
Canada left the British empire(帝国)in 1867 to become an independent country and English and French have been recognized as the official languages ever since. Most people speak English as their first language and the two national television networks broadcast in English throughout the country. Apart...
Equitable access to kidney transplants for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia First Nations peoples in Australia face systemic inequities in access to kidney transplantation. The National Indigenous Kidney Transplant Taskforce was established to address these. It has provided support...
Guangdong is the first province to issue a provincial carbon label in the country and has achieved the first batch of Guangdong – Hong Kong carbon label mutual recognition: 广东先行先试,率先在全国发布首个省级碳标签并积极推动大湾区碳标签规...
13.Canada is one of the few nations in the world to have two official languages:English and French.There are 10provinces in the country but only one of these-Quebec is known as"French Canada".This is because it was founded by French explorers while British adventurers discovered the rest. ...