Stephen was a young man, appointed a deacon in the early church. He appears only in Acts 6 and 7, but in those few pages, he makes a remarkable impression and impact. He is the first Christian martyr – stoned to death because he challenged the Jew people’s lack of faith in Jesus ...
In a book entitled “Contra Judæos,” the Archbishop of Seville grouped all the Biblical passages that had been employed by the Fathers to demonstrate the truth of Christianity. Whether learned Spanish Jews took up the controversy and replied to Isidorus’ arguments by counter-treatises in Lati...
The first teachers of Christianity seem to be collectively spoken of as “the Fathers” (II Peter, iii, 4). Thus St. Irenaeus defines that a teacher is a father, and a disciple is a son (iv, 41, 2), and so says Clement of Alexandria (Strom., I, i, 1). A bishop is ...
If the escalator, which is Europe’s longest covered escalator, is working, we can reach the first level with it (currently free). B. If the escalator to the first level is not working, we can either take the elevator or the stairs. From this level, a few steps and then an elevator...
Venerable John-Barsanuphius, Bishop of Damascus Heiromartyr Theokteristus Saint Leo of Cappadocia Saint Meletius, Archbishop of Khar'kov and Akhtyrsk Saint Germanus of Dacia Pontica (Dobrogea) Devpeteruv Icon of the Mother of God Readings ...
Christian teachers are needful for learning the wonderful truths of Christianity, but those who act for God the Father in the role of a spiritual father to younger believers have a special part to play in the spiritual development of souls in local Christian gatherings. I have been impressed ...
Christmas is such a big event in terms of holidays that many countries extend their celebrations for two or even three days. In Roman Catholic countries, the second day of Christmas is Saint Stephen's Day*, which honours the first Christian Martyr. ...
Some house churches may have borrowed elements from synagogue services. All of the first Christians were Jewish and it is likely that in some synagogues all the members converted to Christianity. These communities would have continued with their familiar practices but modified them to encourage the ...
Antichrist- (Christianity) the adversary of Christ (or Christianity) mentioned in the New Testament; the Antichrist will rule the world until overthrown by the Second Coming of Christ Laurentius,Lawrence,Saint Lawrence,St. Lawrence- Roman martyr; supposedly Lawrence was ordered by the police to give...
As Greek religion evolved to incorporate eastern philosophies of essential monism, Hermes increasingly came to represent thedivine aspects of the individual– an important factor in the development of christianity. An example of this is the syncretic god-concept ofHermes Trismegistos(‘Thrice-Great Herm...